
Smile with laughter, congratulatory mouth

تبسم ضاحكا ثغر التهاني

1. Smile with laughter, congratulatory mouth
For Ahmed, the best of the sons of time

١. تبسم ضاحِكاً ثَغر التَهاني
لِأَحمَدَ خَير أَبناء الزَمان

2. And the crescent has shone upon it, so we attained
Seeing the light of hopes that adorned it

٢. وَلاحَ هِلال عَلياه فَنلنا
بِرُؤية نُور غرّته الأَماني

3. And in the horizon of progress, it illuminated
With it the sun of knowledge and eloquence

٣. وَفي أُفق التقدّم قَد أَضاءَت
بِهِ شَمس المَعارف وَالبَيان

4. And how, while under it in every subject
Of literature there is a critic and Ibn Hani

٤. وَكَيفَ وَدُونه في كُل باب
مِن الآداب قسٌّ وَاِبن هاني

5. And Abdel Hamid has nothing but
The gems of some of the pens of Hassan

٥. وَما عَبد الحَميد لَدَيهِ إِلّا
كبارى بَعض أَقلام حسان

6. So acceptance continues to be innate to him
A servant as long as meanings flourished in it

٦. فَلا زالَ القبول لَهُ وَليداً
خَديماً ما زَهَت فيهِ المَعاني

7. And the high ones have not told me, date
A second class of your poetry from the first

٧. وَما قالَت لي العَلياء أَرّخ
مِن الأولى سَميرك صنف ثاني