
Egypt's land was watered by a generous sea

روى مصر بحر جابر الكسر وافر

1. Egypt's land was watered by a generous sea
Its gardens flourished in auspicious times

١. رَوى مصرَ بحرٌ جابر الكسر وافرُ
بِهِ رَوضُها في دَولة السَعد زاهرُ

2. The Nile extended its tranquility and water
Rushing eagerly each year to join it

٢. وَمدّ إليها النيل راحة وامق
إِلى وَصلِها في كُل عام يُبادر

3. The plains drew it close in longing
Its pebbles and rocks smoothed for it

٣. فضمته مِن شَوقٍ إليه سُهولُها
وَلانَت لَهُ حَصباؤُها وَالمَحاجر

4. And said to it when its cheeks flushed red
Shyly as good tidings appeared

٤. وَقالَت لَهُ لَما توّرد خدّها
حَياء وقد لاحَت عَلَيها البَشائر

5. If I'm deprived of you, then blessed Muhammad
Abu Tusun, pure watered valleys, is present

٥. لَئن غبت عَني فَالسَعيد محمد
أَبو طوسنٍ عَذب المَناهل حاضر

6. May Allah grant him rains instead of drought
Throughout time both resident and emigrant are watered

٦. لَهُ اللَه مِن لَيثٍ بِغَيثِ نَوالِه
مَدى الدَهر يُسقَى قاطنٌ وَمُهاجر

7. The sea flows but from his fingers' generosity
It flowed and irrigated valleys and rocks

٧. وَما البَحر إلا من أَنامل جُوده
جَرى فاِرتَوى وَاخضرَّ وَادٍ وحاجر

8. It made the barren fertile and grassed its stony ground
And made it arable for agriculture

٨. وَأَخصبت الجدبا وَأَعشب صَخرُها
وَأُصلِح مِنها للزراعة غامر

9. This is from the justice with which he rules his land
Constructing glories and virtues flourishing

٩. وَذَلِكَ مِن عَدل بِهِ في بِلاده
بِناء المَعالي وَالفَضائل عامر

10. How could it not when his struggle has brought fortune
To Egypt's people, self-sufficient, no guest or visitor

١٠. وَكَيفَ وَمِن جَدواه فاز بنعمة
بَنو مَصر وَاِستَغنى نَزيل وَزائر

11. In his right hand a sharp sword for unbeliever and skeptic
In his left a famed blade halfway out of its sheath

١١. وَفي يَدِهِ اليُمنى لعافٍ وَمُلحدٍ
يَسارٌ وَمَشهورٌ مِن الغمد باتر

12. And in his heart full of pardon is innate kindness
From which thoughts are delighted

١٢. وَفي قَلبه المَعمور بِالعَفو رَأفةٌ
طَبيعية مِنها تُسَرُّ الخَواطر

13. So he remains protector and savior of homelands
With determination, its opinion lifted high

١٣. فَلا زالَ للأَوطان غَوثاً وَحافِظاً
بِعَزم لَهُ مِنهُ علا الرَأي ناصر

14. And remains tireless in Gulf War battles
Scattering on earth countless as sand

١٤. وَلا زالَ في جبر الخَليج نثارُه
عَلى الأَرض لا يُحصيه بِالعدّ حاصر

15. Beneath the banner of victory his commands
Rush the armies forth for the festival

١٥. وَتَحتَ لِواء النَصر بِالأَمر لَم تَزَل
مُبادرة للمهرَجان العَساكر

16. No loyalist ceases to spread his glory
May his greatness endure, thanked

١٦. وَلا انفكَّ عَن نَشر الثَنا فيهِ مُخلصٌ
لآلائه دامَت مَعاليه شاكر

17. The Nile's seasons never cease to bloom
With praise the poet's neck adorns

١٧. وَلا بَرِحَت لِلنيل تَزهو مَواسمٌ
يُحلِّي بِها جيدَ المَدائح شاعر

18. He strings them on a necklace of state occasions
Its achievements for the King the best achievements

١٨. وَيَنظمها في سَمط أَعياد دَولة
مآثرُها للملك نعمَ المآثر

19. On them glory records the date
Auspicious for the Nile in Egypt all mending

١٩. وَفيها يَقول المَجد أَرّختها علا
سَعيد لنهر النيل في مصر جابر