
I inclined to literature before I was weaned,

صبوت إلى الآداب قبل فطامي

1. I inclined to literature before I was weaned,
And I was preoccupied with it until I attained my wish.

١. صَبَوتُ إِلى الآداب قَبل فطامي
وَهمتُ بِها حَتّى بَلغت مَرامي

2. How many unique poems I composed in witticism,
Occurring to my thoughts while awake and asleep.

٢. فَكَم مِن فَريد في المَليح اِقترحتُه
عَلى فكرَتي في يَقظة وَمَنام

3. And how many eulogies I innovated in praise,
With the most eloquent diction and coherence of speech.

٣. وَكَم مِن قَصيد في المَديح اِبتدعتُه
بِأَبدَع لَفظ وَاِنسِجام كَلام

4. I never had the habit of satirizing,
Nor did my resolve discuss contention.

٤. وَما لي بإِحياء الهجا قَطُّ عادة
وَلا حدّثتني همتي بخصام

5. Yet an obtuse minded person exposed himself
To this affliction out of ignorance of my stature.

٥. وَإِنّ غبيّ الذهن عرّض نَفسَه
لِهذا البَلا مِن جَهله بِمَقامي

6. He denied me while merit recognizes my prominence,
My passion for knowledge suffices as a witness.

٦. فَأَنكرني وَالفَضل يعرف وَطأتي
وَحَسبي شَهيداً في العُلوم غَرامي

7. And he thought I was ignorant in writing
While my star in prose is like the full moon.

٧. وَقَد ظَن أَني بِالكِتابة جاهلٌ
وَنجمي في الإنشا كَبَدرِ تَمام

8. For if he were to become an observer of composition,
Composition has bequeathed all my industry.

٨. فَإِن كانَ لِلتَحرير أَصبَح ناظِراً
فَقَد أَورَث التَحريرُ كُلَّ تعامي

9. He knows not what flows from me nor what comes to him,
Ask any boy about him, what lad!

٩. فَما صادِراً يَدري وَلا وارِداً لَهُ
بِهِ خبرةٌ سل عَنهُ أَيّ غلام

10. He is none other than confused,
His efforts are for evil, to obtain food.

١٠. وَما هُوَ إِلّا في الغَباوة
وَلِلسوء يَسعى سَعيه لِطَعام

11. And he boldly commits abhorrent deeds in daylight
Or under the cover of darkness.

١١. وَيَقتحم الأَهوال في فعل رَيبة
بِضوء نهار أَو بجنح ظَلام

12. He becomes tyrannical when he becomes self-sufficient, and how much graft
He wasted without allowing a greeting of peace.

١٢. وَيَطغى إِذا اِستَغنى وَكَم مِن صَنيعة
أَضاع وَلَم يَسمَح بردّ سَلام

13. And when he transgressed on Saturday, his punishment was transfiguration,
Upon transfiguration after the crumbling of his bones.

١٣. وَلما اِعتَدى في السَبت جوزي بمسخة
عَلى مَسخة مِن بَعد دق عظام

14. And he exceeded in harming people so his matter concluded
With his expulsion in the first year.

١٤. وَبالغ في الإضرار بِالناس فَاِنتَهى
بِهِ أَمرُه لِلطَرد أَوّل عام

15. He spared no face like the generous for he
Is despicable, disgraced, from the progeny of scoundrels.

١٥. فَما صانَ وَجهاً كَالكِرام لِأَنَّهُ
لَئيمٌ مهين مِن نتاج لئام

16. And when he was fired, he would send his tears
Down his cheeks like drops of rainclouds.

١٦. وَقَد كانَ عِندَ العَزل يُرسل دَمعَه
عَلى أَرض خدّيه كقطر غمام

17. This weeping was not from remorse
Over a departed bounty or illicit consumption.

١٧. وَما كانَ هَذا النوح مِنهُ تَأسُّفاً
على نعمة زالَت وَأَكل حَرام

18. Rather for the distance and isolation from harm
And prevention of benevolence and breach of reins.

١٨. وَلَكن لِبعد واِحتجاب عَن الأَذى
وَعَن مَنع إِحسان وَنَقض ذمام

19. We felt relieved from him for a day and night,
And we said, "May God quench him with the cup of oblivion."

١٩. وَكُنا اِستَرَحنا مِنهُ يَوماً وَلَيلة
وَقُلنا سَقاه اللَه كَأس حمام

20. But he returned spitefully and cunningly
And unleashed every sword for injury.

٢٠. فَعادَ عَلى الأَعقاب بِالمكر والدَّها
وَجرّد لِلأَضرار كُلَّ حسام

21. He swore to never desist from consuming illegitimate gain
Even if his limbs were torn by arrows.

٢١. وَأَقسم لا يَنفك عَن أَكل رمة
وَلَو مزقت أَعضاؤه بِسهام

22. That he would never see in his household, while affluent,
Anything but a starving one among his dependents and guest.

٢٢. وَأَن لا يَرى في داره وَهوَ موسرٌ
سِوى جائع بَينَ العِيال وَظامي

23. That he would never pray, ever, while pure
Nor fulfill the duty of fasting on his behalf.

٢٣. وَأَن لا يصلّي مطلقاً وَهوَ طاهر
وَأَن لا يؤدّي عَنهُ فَرض صيام

24. That he would only make pilgrimage if bribed
With an orphan's money or an imam's endowment.

٢٤. وَأَن لا يحج البيت إِلّا إِذا اِرتَشى
بِمال يَتيم أَوبوقف إِمام

25. Did he not fear the Day of Faith if he was holding
By his claim, the reins of his world?

٢٥. أَلم يَخشَ يَوم الدين إِن كانَ آخِذاً
عَلى زَعمه مِن دَهره بِزمام

26. So away with him, what a criminal whose life was lost
Futilely, and did not work for a good end.

٢٦. فَتباً لَهُ مِن مُجرم ضاع عُمره
هَباء وَلَم يَعمل لِحُسن خِتام