
You are the refuge for the commanded and commander,

أنت الملاذ لآمر وأمير

1. You are the refuge for the commanded and commander,
O best master, supporter of the Imam.

١. أَنتَ الملاذ لآمر وَأَميرِ
يا خَير مَولى للإِمام نَصيرِ

2. You are the one whom the book came announcing glad tidings,
Congratulations to you from behind the bearer of good news.

٢. أَنتَ الَّذي وَرد الكِتاب مُبَشِّراً
لَكَ بالتهاني مِن وَراء بَشير

3. And all are in the pages of felicity, they have recited for you,
Your Egypt rejoiced with the beauty of its fate.

٣. وَالكُل في صُحف السَعادة قَد تَلا
لَكَ مَصرك ابتهجت بِحُسن مَصير

4. And you are most deserving, oh Khedive, of the supreme position,
Lofty, difficult to ascend, perilous.

٤. وَلَأَنتَ أَولى يا خديوِ بِمسند
عالي الذرى صَعب الصُعود خَطير

5. It is a position that requires, to strengthen it,
The soundness of opinion in perils, renowned.

٥. هُوَ مسند يَحتاج في تَمكينه
لِسَداد رَأي في الخُطوب شَهير

6. And you protect it with abundant resolve,
And firmness that leads to the downfall of every rebel.

٦. وَلأَنتَ تَحفظه بِعَزم وَافر
وَصَرامة تودي بِكُل مبير

7. And you fend off, oh Secured, from it whoever transgresses,
With the sword of Al-Mu'tasim and the caution of the vigilant.

٧. وَتردّ يا مَأمون عَنهُ مَن اِعتَدى
بِحسام معتصم وَحَزم حَذير

8. And you extend your Egypt with fertility from a cloud,
Flowing like a copious sea from your hands.

٨. وَتمدّ مصرك بِالخُصوبة مِن نَدىً
يَجري كَبَحر مِن يَديك غَزير

9. And you remove with care from its outskirts,
Whatever remains of abhorrence and denial.

٩. وَتزيل عَن أَرجائِها بِعناية
ما قَد بَقي مِن مُنكر وَنَكير

10. And you destroy its detractor with overwhelming assault,
Difficult in nature, worthy of loyalty.

١٠. وَتبيد شانئَها بِصولة هاصر
صَعب الشَكيمة بِالوَلاء جَدير

11. And you support the great kingdom with wisdom,
Brilliance and the light of prosperity.

١١. وَتُؤيّد الملك العَظيم بحكمة
وَضِياء وَجه بِالفَلاح مُنير

12. And you pave the earth by raising foundations,
From which the gaze turns not in sorrow.

١٢. وَتمهّد الدُنيا برفع قَواعد
عَنها بِمصر الطَرف غَير حَسير

13. So rise to take the reins with an ambition,
That will erase the traces of every hardship.

١٣. فَاِنهَض إِلى أَخذ الزِمام بهمة
تمحو بِها آثار كُل عَسير

14. With your justice disseminated, the sedition will fold,
That kindled in the heart of the agitator.

١٤. فَبعدلِك المَنشور تُطوى فتنة
لِلجور شبّت في فُؤاد مثير

15. For long the homelands awaited from you,
Their deliverance from the heat of blazing fire.

١٥. فَلَطالَما الأَوطان مِنكَ ترقبت
إنقاذها مِن حرّ نار سَعير

16. And they implored God in their sincerity,
For the attainment of hopes of the best advisor.

١٦. وَتضرعت لِلّه في إِخلاصِها
بِبُلوغ آمال لخَير مُشير

17. Until their prayer was answered and through you the
Kingdom of might attained its greatest throne.

١٧. حَتّى اِستُجيب دُعاؤها وَبِكَ اِزدَهى
ملك عَلوت لَهُ أَجلّ سَرير

18. And time reconciled them in your proximity happily,
With a glance heralding serenity.

١٨. وَالدَهر سالمها بقربك في الهَنا
مِنهُ بِلَحظ للصفاء مشير

19. And it described their days, so they sang praise to you,
With a eulogy surpassing the praise of Al-Jurayri.

١٩. وَصفت لَها أَيامها فترنمت
لَكَ بامتِداح فاق مَدح جَرير

20. And from the seat of the Caliphate delight has come to you,
Its standards rising with the sweetest fragrance.

٢٠. وَإِلَيكَ مِن دار الخِلافة قَد سَرى
فَرَمانُها يَسمو بِطيب عَبير

21. And it came bearing the good news of that which we,
Have been hoping for, of the grace of the Omnipotent.

٢١. وَأَتى يُبشّر بِالَّذي كنا له
نَرجو دَواماً مِن نَوال قَدير

22. So judge among us with what you approve, and arbitrate,
A ruling by which we increase fold by fold.

٢٢. فَاحكُم بِما تَرضاه فينا وَاحتكم
حُكماً بِهِ نَزداد كيل بَعير

23. And may a downpour from your right rain down,
To quench a meadow that had no equal.

٢٣. وَيَفيض غَيثٌ مِن يَمينك يَرتَوي
بنَداه رَوضٌ كانَ غَير نَضير

24. Where the leadership is in the refined right hand,
Easy in nature, insightful in matters.

٢٤. حَيث الزَعامة في يَمين مهذب
سَهل العريكة بِالأُمور بَصير

25. It is you, oh Tawfiq, most magnificent state,
That established its beauty with a buttress.

٢٥. هُوَ أَنتَ يا تَوفيق أَفخَم دَولة
شَيّدت مِنها حُسنَها بِظَهير

26. And erased the verses of tyranny and wrong,
With a script of kindness unmatched by any peer.

٢٦. وَنَسخت آيات التَعسف وَالعَنا
بِكِتاب لُطف لَم يُقس بِنَظير

27. And planted in the soil of hearts an affection,
Whose branches grow by little effort.

٢٧. وَغَرست في أَرض القُلوب مَودّة
أَغصانُها تَنمو بِجبر كَسير

28. By God, you, oh Khedive of Egypt,
Are most deserving of an eternal, great kingdom.

٢٨. تاللَه إِنَّك يا خَديوي مَصره
أَولى بِملك دائم وَكَبير

29. So take pride in answering the oppressions among us,
And respond to the plea of the indigent.

٢٩. فَافخر بردّ مَظالم فينا إِلى
أَربابها وَأَجب سُؤال فَقير

30. For how much you have covered us with merciful care,
Our elders and youngsters alike!

٣٠. فَلَكَم شَملت برأفة علوية
مِنا جُسوم كَبيرنا وَصَغير

31. And how much with Umarite might you have suppressed
Our woes, the scheming and the wicked!

٣١. وَلَكم قَمَعت بِسَطوة عمريَّة
عَنا غَوائل ماكر وَمَزير

32. And how much injustice you removed from the oppressed,
With the shade of security, a warning to the sinner!

٣٢. وَلَكم كَشَفت الضَيم عَن متعنِّيٍ
بِظلال أَمن للمسيء نَذير

33. So may God always expand your chest,
With the removal of rebellion in the many lands.

٣٣. فَاللَه يَشرَح مِنكَ صَدرك دائِماً
بِزَوال بَغي في البِلاد كَثير

34. That the luster they hope from you returns to the homelands,
And you being the best helper, it endures.

٣٤. لِيَعود للأَوطان رَونَقُها الَّذي
تَرجوه مِنكَ وَأَنتَ خَير مجير

35. And the kingdom whose owner you are with them remains
As long as you are pleased, firmly rooted.

٣٥. ويَدوم ملك أَنت صاحبه بِها
ما دامَ رَضوى راسياً كَثبير

36. O liberator of those precious souls,
Of a slave brought low, to the king a captive.

٣٦. يا معتق الأَرواح تلكَ عَزيزة
مِن عَبد رق للمليك أَسير

37. Of a composer of odes whose pearls,
Every expert falls short of describing.

٣٧. مِن ناظم لعقود مَدح درُّها
عَن وَصفه قَد كلَّ كلُّ خَبير

38. Who hopes for nothing in reward but their acceptance,
And that is from you no meager thing.

٣٨. لا يَرتَجي في المَهر غَير قبولها
مِنهُ وَذَلِكَ مِنكَ غَير يَسير

39. I remain lavishing praise in robes of authority,
As long as eulogy is pleasing to minister or vizier.

٣٩. لا زلت في حلل الوِلاية رافِلاً
ما طابَ مَدح في جَناب وَزير

40. Or as long as a disseminator boasts among all people,
Of your praise in the diwan of every entertainer.

٤٠. أَو ما تَفاخر ناثر بَينَ الوَرى
بِثناك في ديوان كُل سَمير

41. Or as long as one recites in an assembly the decree of Egypt,
A loyal one to you in his conscience.

٤١. أَو ما تَلا فرمانَ مصرَ بمحفلٍ
لَكَ مُخلصٌ في ودّه بِضَمير

42. Or as long as Al-Majdi says in joy, recording
A rescript of Tawfiq ascending with the Prince.

٤٢. أَو قالَ مَجدي في السُرور مؤرخاً
مَرسوم تَوفيق سَما بِأَمير