1. My glorious master, your servant hopes for your generosity
With a service to a compassionate one as you had promised
١. مَجدي غلامك يَرجو أَن تَجود لَهُ
بِخدمة لِشَفيق حَسبما وَعَدا
2. Since you have granted me without asking
What had never occurred in my calculations
٢. إِذ أَنتَ أَوليتَني مِن غَير مسألة
ما لَم يَكُن في حِسابي قَط ما وَرَدا
3. And how can I fear the turns of events, while I have
Your protection, and my purpose does not go in vain
٣. وَكَيفَ أَخشى صُروف الحادِثات ولى
مِنكَ الذمام وَقَصدي لا يَضيع سُدى
4. You are a rain without promise or harm
That waters a settler to his palms outstretched
٤. وَأَنتَ غَيث بِلا وَعد وَلا ضَرر
يروي نَزيلاً إِلى جَدواه مَدّ يدا
5. Your eye of justice was not sleeping
From a servant who did not fear injustice or misery
٥. وَلَم تَكُن مِنكَ عَين العَدل نائِمَةً
عَن خادمٍ لَم يَخف ظُلماً وَلا نَكدا
6. From a servant in residences and in travel
With praising you, my glory grows forever
٦. عَن خادمٍ في إِقاماتٍ وَفي سَفَرٍ
بِمَدحك اِزداد مَجداً يَزدَهي أَبَدا
7. You still, oh protector of the noble, grant me
Prestige and make for me among people support
٧. لا زلت يا حافظ العَلياء تَمنحني
جاهاً وَتَجعل لي بَين الوَرى مَددا
8. Good for me was not praising you, and my
Reliance after the Creator was not on you
٨. ما طابَ لي في مَعاليك الثَناء وَما
عَلَيك راجيك بعد الخالق اِعتَمَدا