
Mohammed, you are rewarded in this pilgrimage

محمد أنت في ذا الحج مأجور

1. Mohammed, you are rewarded in this pilgrimage
And your effort now is praised and appreciated

١. محمدٌ أَنتَ في ذا الحَج مَأجورُ
وَسَعيك الآن مَحمودٌ وَمَشكورُ

2. And God has granted you what you wished for when you rose
And light upon light shines on your face

٢. وَاللَه بلّغك المَأمول حَيث علا
وَعمّ وَجهَك نُورٌ فَوقه نُور

3. And you got all you wished for in Mina and pleased
Is God with you, so you are today delighted

٣. وَنلت عِندَ مِنى كُل المُنى وَرضي
عَنكَ الإِلَه فَأَنتَ اليَوم مَسرور

4. And the distress was relieved from Egypt and its residents
When you prayed as the sword of injustice appeared

٤. وَفُرِّجَ الكربُ عَن مَصرٍ وَساكنها
لَما دَعَوت وَسَيف الجور مَشهور

5. So I recite to you its wishes chronicled
And my love to you, may that pilgrimage be accepted

٥. فَأَنشدتك أَمانيها مؤرخة
وَهبي وحبِّك ذاك الحَج مَبرور