1. Happy celebrations, auspicious era in Egypt, it remains
Renewed by prosperity among its worshippers
١. تَهاني سَعيد العَصر في مَصر لَم تَزَل
يَجدّدها الإَقبال بَينَ عَبيدِهِ
2. And Shawwal has two feasts this time, one small
And the feast of the king, his greatest feast
٢. وَشَوّال فيهِ الآن عيدانِ واحدٌ
صَغير وَعيد الملك أَكبرُ عيده
3. And this month has become the first of all time
With the health of Ma'mun, guardian of the world and its guide
٣. وَقَد صارَ هَذا الشَهر لِلدَهر غُرةً
بِصحة مَأمون الوَرى وَرَشيده
4. And excelled over all other months
With its new moon in its Egypt and tradition
٤. وَزادَ عَلى كُل الشُهور اِمتِيازه
بِطارفه في مَصره وَتَليده
5. So this feast continues to rise and prosper
With protecting his excellencies and protecting his heir
٥. فلا زالَ هَذا العيد يَسمو وَيَزدَهي
بِحفظ مَعاليهِ وَحفظ وَليده
6. And glory continues to show in it, dating
The joy of Shawwal with the happy kingdom
٦. وَلا زالَ فيهِ المَجد يُبدي مؤرخاً
مسرّة شَوّال بملك سَعيده