1. For Ibn Al-Mubarak from the highest peaks of the sky
The best share from an auspicious time
١. لابن المبارك مِن سَما أَوج العلا
أَوفَى نَصيب مِن زَمان مُقبلِ
2. And for him two joys - sons for whom
From him an increase of care through marriage
٢. وَلَهُ الهَنا بختان أَنجالٍ لَهُم
مِنهُ مَزيد عِناية بِتأهُّل
3. His auspicious star still shines in his time
Rising above the foremost stature
٣. لا زالَ طالعه السَعيد بِعصره
يَسمو بِهِ فَوقَ الطراز الأَوّل
4. What Majdi said in decades of sincere praises
Composed with devotion and excellence of contemplation
٤. ما قالَ مَجدي في عُقود مَدائح
نُظمت بِإِخلاص وَحُسنِ تَأمّل
5. The date of Yusuf's circumcision has splendor
Ali recorded the splendor of his circumcision, goodness
٥. تاريخ يُوسف بِالختان لَهُ بَهى
أَرخ بَهاء ختانه حسنٌ عَلي