1. Sa'id Al A'la revived the traditions of compassion
By mentioning his father Al Sadr, resolute in determination
١. سَعيد العلا أَحيا رُسوم المَراحمِ
بذكر أَبيه الصَدر ماضي العَزائمِ
2. And he renewed for the authority a season
Of abundance from the sea of generosity
٢. وَجدّد لما قامَ بِالأَمر موسماً
لحضرته مِن فَيض بَحر المَكارم
3. And immortalized throughout ages his traces
By which he excelled in the gardens of the most compassionate
٣. وَخلد طُول الدَهر آثاره الَّتي
بِها سادَ في جَنات أَرحم راحم
4. So he rests satisfied in his tomb
With him as judge preceding in arbitration
٤. فَأَصبح عَنهُ راضِياً في ضَريحه
لَهُ قاضِياً بِالسَبق عِندَ التحاكم
5. And Alia told us in Egypt record
The justice of Sa'id, best of seasons
٥. وَقالَت لَنا عَلياه في مصر أَرّخوا
بِعَدل سَعيد حل خَير المَواسم