
Youth was lost in the vanity of words,

شباب ضاع في زور الكلام

1. Youth was lost in the vanity of words,
While old age appeared praising the wicked.

١. شَباب ضاعَ في زور الكَلامِ
وَشَيبٌ لاحَ في مَدح اللئامِ

2. Is there no repentance, O soul, so that
You may succeed in attaining satisfaction before the end?

٢. أَما مِن تَوبة يا نَفس حَتّى
تفوزي بِالرضا قَبل الحِمام

3. How many faces have I blackened with lies,
Faces that shine with the lamp that lights up the darkness -

٣. فَكَم سوّدتُ بِالبُهتان وَجهاً
يُضيء بِمَدح مصباح الظَلام

4. Muhammad who raised his career
Above the full moon and the shining moon,

٤. محمد الَّذي أَربى سَناه
عَلى الأَقمار وَالبَدر التَمام

5. A pure, cleansing Messenger of noble lineage,
Kind to His servants, merciful to them,

٥. رَسول طاهر طهر نقيّ
كَريم قَد تَناسل مِن كِرام

6. Intercessor for them on the Day of Reckoning.
So my praise of him - by Allah - is not enough,

٦. رؤف بِالعِباد بِهم رَحيم
شَفيع فيهمُ يَوم الزِحام

7. I greet him with peace and prayers,
And I will support and aid him with clear victory,

٧. فَما مَدحي لَهُ وَاللَه أَثنى
عَلَيهِ بِالتَحية وَالسَلام

8. With tongues and swords.
Did anyone else ascend like Taha

٨. وَقرّبه وَأَيده بِنَصر
مُبين بِالأَسنة وَالحسام

9. As the Guardian shaded him with clouds?
Does anyone else have a basin like the basin

٩. فَهَل أَحد به أَسرى كَطَه
وَظلَّله المهيمن بِالغَمام

10. Of the Prophet of Hashim, the best of mankind?
And did anyone else lead the messengers and angels in prayer

١٠. وَهَل أَحد لَهُ حَوض كَحوض ال
نبيّ الهاشمي خَير الأَنام

11. Other than Ahmad our most resolute leader?
Do other nations boast though we

١١. وَهَل بِالرُسل وَالأَملاك صَلَّى
إِماماً غَيرُ أَحمدنا التهامي

12. Have eternal pride?
We have good tidings - we have attained

١٢. وَهَل أمم تَفاخرنا وَإِنا
لَنا فَخر يَزيد عَلى الدَوام

13. Through him the utmost wishes from our Lord.
And Allah has favored us over many

١٣. لَنا البُشرى فَإِنا قَد بَلَغنا
بِهِ مِن ربنا فَوق المَرام

14. And granted us Zamzam and the Ancient House.
We are the proudest nation, whom the Most High

١٤. وَفضلنا الإِلَه عَلى كَثير
وَأَتحفنا بِزمزم وَالمَقام

15. Has favored over the angels and great messengers.
By as-Siddiq - O treasure of the righteous -

١٥. وَنَحنُ الغرّ أَمة مَن تَعالى
عَلى الأَملاك وَالرُسُل العِظام

16. Abu Bakr, the imam caliph,
By al-Farooq the bravest warrior

١٦. فَبالصدّيق يا ذخر البَرايا
أَبي بَكر خَليفتك الإِمام

17. Who repelled the misguided with arrows,
By the owner of two lights who attained the heights

١٧. وَبِالفاروق أَشجَع مَن تصدّى
لِقَمع ذَوي الضَلالة بِالسِهام

18. By sacrificing himself on the day of the great battle,
By your son-in-law, my beloved,

١٨. وَذي النُورين مَن حازَ المَعالي
بِبَذل النَفس في يَوم الخِصام

19. Ali the brave knight of war,
By Fatima, and the two grandsons - be

١٩. وَبِالصهر اِبن عَمِّك يا حَبيبي
عَليّ فارس الحَرب الهمام

20. My intercessor, O my hope, on the Day of Resurrection,
And watch over me, for I am an evil slave

٢٠. وَبِالزَهراء وَالسبطين كُن لي
شَفيعاً يا رَجائي في القِيام

21. Who wasted life in the vanity of words,
But I regretted my sins

٢١. وَراقبني فَإِني عَبد سُوء
صرفت العُمر في زُور الكَلام

22. That appeared from me, though blaming did not benefit me,
And I came to You repenting, O Lord, so accept

٢٢. وَلَكني ندمت عَلى ذُنوب
بَدَت مِني وَلَم يَنفَع مَلامي

23. A sinner who hopes for a good end.

٢٣. وَجئتك تائِباً يا رَب فَاقبل
مسيئاً يَرتَجي حسن الخِتام