
The breeze of good tidings blows there

سرى ينشر البشرى هناك نسيم

1. The breeze of good tidings blows there
A friend rejoiced with contentment and intimacy

١. سَرى يَنشر البُشرى هُناك نَسيمُ
فَسُرَّ صَديقٌ بِالرضا وَحَميمُ

2. And the times and life became pleasant through it
He repented from wrongdoings though he was wronged

٢. وَطابَت بِهِ الأَوقات وَالدَهر قَد صَفا
وَتابَ مِن الآثام وَهوَ مَظلوم

3. And his heart became troubled with wellness in the morning
And he chirped from immense joy vigorously

٣. وَأَصبَح مَكلومُ الفؤاد بصحةٍ
وَغرّد مِن فَرط السُرور كَظيم

4. And a caller of victory called, oh joyous rank
For your servant has become blaming calamities

٤. وَنادى مُنادي النَصر يا فَوز منصب
لعبدك أَضحى للخطوب يَلوم

5. He did not cease to keep the covenants and did not incline
To other than You one day though he was infatuated with You

٥. وَما اِنفك عَن حفظ العُهود وَلا صبا
لِغَيرك يَوماً وَهوَ فيكَ يَهيم

6. And how can he be loyal to other than Muhammad’s religion
It only lasts through the Prince

٦. وَكَيفَ يصافي غَير دين محمد
وَما هوَ إِلا بِالأَمير يَدوم

7. God did not want anyone but you, O treasure of politics
With what the King desired to stand

٧. أَبى اللَه يا كنز السِياسة أَن يرى
سِواك بِما شاءَ المَليك يَقوم

8. You are the ally of chivalry and loyalty
And you are the generous one according to all people's consensus

٨. فَأَنتَ حَليف لِلمُروءة وَالوَفا
وَأَنتَ بإجماع الأَنام كَريم

9. You are the supporter of circles of knowledge
And you are the leader of masters of arts

٩. وَأَنتَ لأَحزاب المَعارف ناصرٌ
وَأَنتَ لِأَرباب الفُنون زَعيم

10. You are the preceder to good without favor
And your determination to mend the broken is great

١٠. وَأَنتَ بلا منّ إِلى الخَير سابق
وَعَزمك في جبر الكَسير عَظيم

11. So how many times did you meet a sinner with pardon
And bid him safety while your heart is kind

١١. فَكَم مَرة قابلت بِالعَفو جانِياً
وَسالمته وَالقَلب مِنكَ رَحيم

12. And how many shackles of injustice you undid a group
With an opinion, its justice is the joy of the fortunate friend

١٢. وَكَم مِن قيود الظلم أَطلقت معشراً
بِرَأي لَهُ عدل السَعيد نَديم

13. And how many distresses you relieved from the best nation
In spite of the resentment of ignorance as it is an adversary

١٣. وَكَم كربة فرّجت عَن خَير أَمّة
عَلى رَغم أَنف الجَهل وَهوَ خَصيم

14. And how many hands were confused in delineating some of it
For your essence is an expert in praise

١٤. وَكَم مِن أياد حار في حصر بَعضها
لِذاتك حبرٌ بِالثَناء عَليم

15. And I am not of the people of poetry to be guided
To spreading magic that aimless strayed

١٥. وَما أَنا مِن أَهل القَريض فَأَهتدى
إِلى بَث سحرٍ ضلّ عَنهُ فَهيم

16. But joy invited me to poetry
The breeze of delight blew me with triumph and success

١٦. وَلَكن دَعتني لِلقَريض مسرّةٌ
حَباني بِها يَوم القبول نَسيم

17. So it made me obsessed with that
And I present what my understanding contains though

١٧. نَسيم سَرى بِالبشر وَالفَوز وَالهَنا
فَأَحوجني أَني بِذاك أَهيم

18. Indeed in this stance it is frail
But my excuse to my Master is evident

١٨. وَأهدي بِما يَحويه فهمي وَإِنَّهُ
لَعَمريَ في هَذا المَقام سَقيم

19. For my religion in His love is upright
His contentment suffices me if He approves me

١٩. عَلى أَن عذري عِندَ مَولاي واضحٌ
لما أَن ديني في هَواه قَويم

20. It is enough for me, nothing else I desire
And here I am, I have reached what I hoped

٢٠. وَمِنهُ الرضا يَكفي إِذا ما أَجازَني
بِهِ فَهوَ حسبي لا سِواه أَروم

21. With patience that has no army of calamities

٢١. وَها أَنا قَد بلغت ما كُنت راجِياً
بصبر لَهُ جَيش الخطوب عَديم