1. The crescent moon of Eid brings joy
At its sight, faces beam and smiles deploy
١. هِلال العِيد تَنشرح الصُدورُ
بِرؤيته وَتَبتَسم الثُغورُ
2. In the gardens of Eid, flowers bloom
Now that fasting has folded its towers
٢. وَتُنشرُ في رِياض الفطر مِنهُ
وَقَد طُويَ الصِيام لَنا زُهور
3. Appearing in Egypt's horizon with grace
Are Tawfiq and his brothers in their place
٣. وَتَبدو للورى في أُفق مصر
بِتَوفيق وَإخوته بدور
4. With Tawfiq, Eid al-Fitr is filled with light
٤. بتوفيق لعيد الفطر نُور