
O rising that a rising moon has not told of

يا طلعة ما حكتها طلعة البدر

1. O rising that a rising moon has not told of
You have brought good news of glory, might, and victory

١. يا طَلعة ما حكَتها طَلعة البَدرِ
قَد بَشّرت بِالعُلا وَالعز وَالنَصرِ

2. Your son congratulates you, O Abdel Hamid, for you
Have equaled him in beauty, nay in loftiness of rank

٢. يَهنيك نَجلُك يا عَبد الحَميد لَقَد
ضاهاك في الحُسن بَل في رفعة القَدر

3. I protected him with the two names of Muhammad
The Guide, and his noble friend Abu Bakr

٣. عوّذته بسميَّيهِ محمدٍ ال
هادي وصدّيقِه السامي أَبي بَكر

4. He came to you while fasting the obligatory fast on Sunday
The eighth, with ten days of the month preceding it

٤. وافاك عِندَ صِيام الفَرض في أَحَد
لِثامنٍ قَبله عَشرٌ مِن الشَهر

5. And its sun rose in the dawn of his birth
In Egypt, so the morning planet was adorned by it

٥. وَشَمسه أَشرَقَت في صُبح مَولده
بِمصر فازدان مِنها كَوكَب الفَجر

6. So it said when my glory appeared, narrating it
Muhammad has come with good fortune and glad tidings

٦. فَقال حينَ بَدا مَجدي يُؤرخه
محمد قَد أَتى بِاليُمن وَالبِشر