
Our era in time is the happiest era

عصرنا في الزمان أسعد عصر

1. Our era in time is the happiest era
Where the dear one has won Egypt

١. عَصرنا في الزَمان أَسعَد عَصرِ
حَيث فازَ العَزيز فيهِ بِمصرِ

2. And his years are adorned with the highest traits
With births that bring eternal gratitude

٢. وَتحلت أَعوامه في المَعالي
بِمَواليد سؤدد ذات شكر

3. And it has worn the dress of brilliance and prided itself
Among all people with the most beautiful mention

٣. وَاكتست حلة السَنا وَتَباهَت
مِنهُ بَينَ الوَرى بِأَجمَل ذكر

4. And it has gained more joy and increased in splendor
Beyond what any heart can imagine

٤. وَاِزدَهَت بَهجةً وَزادَت بَهاءً
ما سَما قَدره عَلى كُل صَدر

5. Or for the feast of birthdays, the glory of my prosperity spreads
The auspicious birth has radiated over Egypt

٥. أَو لعيد الولاد أَرخ مَجدي
أَشرَق المَولد السَعيد بِمصر