
King Saeed's Egypt prospers,

للملك عوفي سعيد مصره

1. King Saeed's Egypt prospers,
His chest contains rare generosity of the age,

١. لِلملك عوفي سَعيدُ مَصرِهْ
صَدر المَعالي فَريد عَصرِهْ

2. From his lips comes cure for every servant's affliction,
And hardship has been lifted from them, so thanks to God increase,

٢. مَن في شِفاه لِكُل عَبد
مِن البَرايا شِفاءُ ضره

3. Wellness came quickly from him, and in his hands is the banner of victory,
Joy approached and enlightenment shone on the horizon from his righteousness,

٣. وَزالَ عَنهُ العَنا فَأَضحى
لِلّه مِنا مَزيد شُكره

4. Glory here is a full moon of prose, adorned by the beauty of his expression,
This noble one still prides himself over the kings of the world,

٤. وَالبرء مِنهُ دَنا سَريعاً
وَفي يديه لِواء نَصره

5. No flatterer's praise sounds sweet where longevity and life for happy Egypt are hoped from him.

٥. وَالأنس وافى وَقَد أَضاءَت
في الأُفق مِنهُ شُموسُ بره

٦. وَالمَجد هنّا بَدرّ نظمٍ
بِهِ تَحلَّى بَديع نَثره

٧. لا زالَ هَذا العَزيز يَزهو
عَلى مُلوك الوَرى بِفَخره

٨. ما طابَ فيهِ ثَنا خَديم
يَرجو بَقاه وَطُول عمره

٩. أَو قال للبشر فيهِ أَرخ
شِفا سَعيدٍ حَياةُ مَصره