1. According to the architecture and construction as an honor
Through you, O Hussein, you have always remained noble
١. حَسب العِمارة وَالبَنا تَشريفا
بِكَ يا حسين فَلا بَرحت شَريفا
2. Ask the architect, has anyone but you adorned
His position and made it more refined?
٢. سل مَنصب المعمار هَل قَد زانَهُ
أَحد سِواك وَزادَهُ تَلطيفا
3. O treasure of knowledge, you should know
That with your understanding, you have become sublime and genteel
٣. ينبيك يا كنز المَعارف أَنَّهُ
أَضحى بِفهمك سامياً وَظَريفا
4. The times looked upon you with care
And through you the minister's heart became kind
٤. نَظر الزَمان لَهُ بِعَين عِناية
وَبِهِ غَدا قَلب الوَزير رَؤوفا
5. When he sought refuge in your justice
You aided him, wherever you were, graciously
٥. فَأَغاثه لَما اِستَجار بِعَدله
بِكَ حَيث كُنت مُدَبِّراً يعروفا
6. High offices have yearned for your love, O prince
You have honored them with noble knowledge
٦. هامَت بِحبك يا أَمير مَراتبٌ
شرّفتها بِمَعارف تَشريفا
7. None but you leads the arts in our land
Since you were created virtuous and chaste
٧. ما لِلفُنون يَسوسها في مصرنا
إِلّا جَنابك إِذ خُلقت عَفيفا
8. O son of generosity and rule, indeed I
Have always been enamored with thanking your kindness
٨. يا اِبن المَكارم وَالسِيادة إِنَّني
بِجَميل شُكرك لَم أَزَل مَشغوفا
9. You have raised the buildings to their glory
When you elegized them and became their ally
٩. بَلغت بهمتك المَباني شَأوَها
لَما رَثيت لَها وَصُرت حَليفا
10. How much loftiness and beauty it attained
And excellent workmanship, now well-described
١٠. كَم نالَها مِن رفعة وَجَمالة
وَبَديع إِتقان غَدا مَوصوفا
11. You mixed its beauty with your kindness and wisdom
So it shone, and its value became well-known
١١. مُزجت مَحاسنُها بِلطفك وَالذَكا
فَزَهَت وَأَصبَحَ قَدرُها مَعروفا
12. You vowed to it loyalty after neglect
And warded off its difficulties with faithfulness
١٢. عاهَدتها بَعد الجَفا بمودّة
فَدَفعت عَنها بِالوَفاء صُروفا
13. No harm came to it before except its falling
Into the grip of a slave who came to it fervently
١٣. ما ضَرّها مِن قَبل غَير وُقوعها
في أَسر عَبد جاءَها مَلهوفا
14. He ate the little with the much and did not fear
Among the people his ignorance being exposed
١٤. أَكل القَليل مَع الكَثير وَلَم يَخَف
مِن جَهله بَينَ الأَنام كُسوفا
15. He mounted problems with sins and was not
Accustomed in his mind to corruption
١٥. ركب الخُطوب مَع الذُنوب وَلَم يَكُن
لِضلاله في رَأيه مَألوفا
16. Through you, dear one, he sought shade for himself
So you forgave with generosity and he felt no fear
١٦. بِكَ يا عَزيز قَد اِستَظَلَّ لِذاته
فَعَفوت مِن كَرَم وَآمن خوفا
17. As for your loyalty to him, it was generosity
From good stock that does not cease to be refined
١٧. أَمّا وَفاك لَهُ فَكانَ سَماحةً
مِن حسن أَصل لا يَزال مُنيفا
18. I constructed my verses in praising you and applauding
So accept with your forbearance and avoid imposition
١٨. شَيّدتُ أَبياتي بِمدحك وَالثَنا
فَاقبل بحلمك وَاترك التَكليفا
19. Oh its joy if it attains your satisfaction from you
For through it my principles endure and I fear no thousands
١٩. يا سَعدَها إِن نالَها مِنكَ الرضا
فَبِهِ أَصولُ وَلا أَهاب أُلوفا