
How can one ward off adversities

كيف السبيل إلى دفع المنيات

1. How can one ward off adversities
From people, past and future?

١. كَيفَ السَبيل إِلى دَفع المَنيّاتِ
عَن أَنفُس الناس مِن ماضٍ وَمِن آت

2. Rifa'a, scholar of the world and its sole one,
And the best from whom hope was expected for adversities,

٢. رَفاعةٌ عالم الدُنيا وواحدها
وَخَير مَن كانَ يُرجى للملمات

3. Whose abundant sea flows in valleys
Wherein is lasting benefit for people,

٣. وَبَحرُها الزاخر الجاري بِأَودية
فيها دَوامُ اِنتِفاع للبريات

4. And whose land has arts that have no equal
In spreading its contents among registries,

٤. وَبرُّها في فُنون لا نَظير لَه
في نَشر مطويها بَينَ السجلات

5. And whose mountains are in sciences unmatched,
Which none of us can compete with in its arenas,

٥. وَطودُها في عُلوم لَيسَ يلحقه
مِنا بِمضمارها سبّاق غايات

6. May God not make his gatherings lonely after their conviviality,
Their lamps having been lit by Him,

٦. لا أَوحش اللَه بَعد الأُنس أَندية
كانَت مَصابيحها مِنهُ مُنيرات

7. Nor may a day of misery come wherein
The joys of its times were blotted out after establishment,

٧. وَلا أَتى يَوم بُؤس فيهِ قَد محيت
سُعود أَوقاته مِن بَعد إثبات

8. Nor may fickleness cast him down hastily
With arrows and spears of fate,

٨. وَلا رَماه الرَدى مِنهُ عَلى عجل
بِأَسهُمٍ وَرِماح سَمهريات

9. Nor did metrics lament him in poems
Which made the eyes of the virtuous seasons weep,

٩. وَلانعتهُ القَوافي في الطُروس بِما
أَبكى عُيون الفُصول الفاضليات

10. For he was an ink that acknowledged inability
To praise the Lord of eloquence,

١٠. فَإِنَّهُ كانَ حبراً عَن مَدائحه
بِالعَجز مُعترف رَب البَلاغات

11. And his assembly was, at all times,
Joyous with tranquility,

١١. وَكانَ مَجلسه في كل آونة
مَع السكينة يَزهو بِالمَسرات

12. He would pardon the offender even if numerous
Types of wrongdoing against him increased,

١٢. وَكانَ يَعفو عَن الجاني وَلَو كثرت
في حَقه مِنهُ أَنواع الإساآت

13. And he would rejoice in well-being and it would overwhelm him
With unasked for showers of blessings,

١٣. وَكانَ يَفرَح بِالعافي وَيَغمره
مِن غَير سؤل بَغَيث مِن مَبرّات

14. When his star set, his biographies wept for parting with him,
Adorned with excellent diction,

١٤. لَما قَضى نحبه ناحَت لفرقته
تراجمٌ زانَها حُسن العِبارات

15. And on the day of his death, grief permeated the land,
Ascending from it to the heavens,

١٥. وَالأَرض قَد عَمَّها في يَوم مَصرعه
حزنٌ تَصاعد مِنها لِلسَموات

16. And his soul was met by the houris when it parted
From his body with pure greetings,

١٦. وَرُوحُه قابلتَها الحُور مُذ فصلت
عَن جسمه بِالتَحيات الزَكيات

17. And he spent the night of ascension joyfully,
With a delighted heart, luxuriating in pleasures,

١٧. وَباتَ في لَيلة الإِسرا بِها فرحاً
منعّم البال مسروراً بِلَذات

18. And when he was interred in the tomb, he appeared
As if in gardens of brocade,

١٨. وَكانَ لَما تَوارى بِالضَريح رُؤي
كَأَنَّهُ في رِياض سندسيات

19. And around him were the People of the House, his ancestry,
In circles that attained perfection,

١٩. وَحَولَهُ مِن بَني الزَهراء جدّته
بدور تَم تَناهت في الكَمالات

20. And he recited over them, while between them,
Crowned with dignity, some verses,

٢٠. وَكانَ يَتلو عَلَيهم وَهوَ بَينَهُمُ
مُتَوّجٌ بِوَقارٍ بَعض آيات

21. And said: would that my people knew what
I was given of exalted worth and bounty!

٢١. وَقال يا لَيت قَومي يَعلَمون بِما
أوتيت مِن رَفع مِقدار وَخَيرات

22. Therein our souls found rest in that which we heard
From the descendants of the Masters,

٢٢. هُناكَ طِبنا نُفوساً بِالَّذي سَمعت
آذاننا عَنهُ مِن أَبناء سادات

23. And in the coming springtime, my glory will be dated
By Rifa'a whose state is that of the gardens.

٢٣. وَفي رَبيع غَدا مَجدي يُؤرّخه
رفاعة حاله حال بجنات