
Your mention amongst the nobles is never undeserved,

ما جاز ذكرك بالحشا إلا وجب

1. Your mention amongst the nobles is never undeserved,
For love of you has made mandatory what is deserved.

١. ما جازَ ذكرُك بِالحَشا إلا وَجَبْ
فَلَقَد قَضى مِن فَرط حَبّك ما وَجَبْ

2. What business have I with the critic and his rant?
Why does he pester the enamored, for what cause or reason?

٢. ما لي ولِلاحي وَما يهذي بِهِ
ما بالُهُ يَلحى المُتيّمَ ما السَببْ

3. O heart, heed not the words of the slanderer,
And race your steeds in fields of joy.

٣. يا قَلب لا تَسمَع مَقالةَ عاذلٍ
وَاركض بِخَيلك في مَيادين الطَرَب

4. And if he prohibits you, say to him mockingly,
"Relieve the heart of reproach and fatigue,

٤. وَإِذا نَهاكَ فَقُل لَه متهكماً
أَرحِ الفُؤادَ مِن العَنا وَمِن النَصب

5. And make your companion, if you drink, riotous,
And quench your thirst with sweet drinks, not grapes.

٥. وَاِجعَل نَديمك إِن شَربت مهفهفاً
وَاستجلِ عَذبَ لَماه لا بنتَ العِنَب

6. And in passion shed your restraints,
Free the reins and fill them with desire.

٦. وَاِخلَع عذارك في الهَوى متهتكاً
طلقَ العِنان وَخلّ فيهِ مِن عَتَب

7. And by strength of purpose cut off the argument of the dissenter
Who prohibits you from joining the beloved, and do not waver.

٧. وَاِقطَع بِماضي العَزم حجة آمرٍ
يَنهاكَ عَن وَصل المِلاح وَلا تَهب

8. And if you are blamed, let no critic prevent you
From a happiness that makes your heart deaf and wrapped.

٨. وَإِذا صَبوَت فَلا يصدَّك عاذلٌ
عَن شادنٍ أَصمى فُؤادَك وَاِحتجب

9. An impudent, wandering vagrant, crooked and bent,
Cursed are the hands of those who blame me.

٩. صلفٍ كَثيرِ التيه أَحوى أَحوَرٍ
تَبَّت يَدا مَن لامَني فيهِ وَتَب

10. How can I be blamed, when before what I have faced
None have escaped from its horrors in love.

١٠. كَيفَ المَلام وَدُون ما لاقيتُهُ
لَم يَنجُ مِن أَهواله في الحُب صَب

11. My generous mind has never ceased, since my youth,
To race towards the goals on the field of literature.

١١. وَجَواد فكري لَم يَزَل مُذ نَشأَتي
سَبّاق غايات بمضمار الأَدب

12. Until I took pride in praising the highest lord,
Protector of the territory of our lands, of high lineage.

١٢. حَتّى اِفتَخرتُ بِمَدح أَعلى سَيدٍ
حامي حِمى أَقطارنا عالي الحَسَب

13. Our Abbas, the prince - with his might
For the faith, and its protector of the states of Arabia.

١٣. عَباسنا المَولى المعز بِبَأسه
للدين وَالحامي بِهِ دُولَ العَرَب

14. He is the mighty in his Egypt, and through him it reached its pinnacle,
And through his wisdom its honor rose, so fear no calamity.

١٤. فَهُوَ العَزيز بمصره وَبِهِ سَمَت
وَبحكمه عزت فَلا تَخشى النُوَب

15. And through his justice spreading in its corners,
No injustice remains, and distress departs from it.

١٥. وَبِعدلِهِ المَنشور في أَرجائها
لَم يَبقَ جورٌ وَاِنجَلَت عَنها الكرب

16. Egypt prides itself on him,
And through him positions and ranks are ennobled.

١٦. مَصرٌ عَلى الدُنيا لَقَد فَخرت بِهِ
وَبِهِ تشرفت المَناصب وَالرُتب

17. I sacrifice him - an equitable, forbearing king
Chosen for the heights, sublime.

١٧. أَفديه من مَولى مَليكٍ عادلٍ
شَهم حَليم لِلمَعالي مُنتَخب

18. Can I forget what Hatim's generosity gave,
Or Mayn's favours, or Arabah's gifts, if he presented.

١٨. أَنسى بِما أَعطى سَماحةَ حاتمٍ
وَنَوالَ مَعْنٍ أَو عرابةَ إِن وَهب

19. O prince, prince of Egypt,
From the fortune of your ancestors you have risen, and no wonder.

١٩. يا أَيُّها المَولى المولَّى مَصرَه
مِن يُمن جدّك قَد سَمَوت وَلا عَجَب

20. O best of those who protected Hejaz willingly,
Good tidings to you - your pilgrimage is accepted and gained.

٢٠. يا خَير مَن أَمّ الحِجاز تَطوّعاً
بُشراكَ حجك لِلقبول قَد اِكتَسَب

21. He established the sanctuary of the Caliphate, striving
To fulfill its purpose, like your ancestor's gaining of the Arabs.

٢١. يَمّم حِمى دار الخِلافة بِالغاً
فيها المَرام كَفَوز جدّك بِالأَرَب

22. Continue rising through the heights,
For to your sublimity this lineage leads.

٢٢. دُم في المَعالي راقياً رُتب العُلى
فَإِلى علائك يَنتَهي هَذا النَسب