
The fortresses of the valorous, magnanimous leader are the best sanctuaries,

حصون السعيد الشهم خير إمام

1. The fortresses of the valorous, magnanimous leader are the best sanctuaries,
Adorned with the perfection of a wondrous system.

١. حُصون السَعيد الشَهم خَيرِ إِمامِ
تَباهَت بِإِحكامٍ بَديع نِظامِ

2. They stood for Egypt with protection and support,
Their cannons within performed their duty completely.

٢. وَبالحفظ وَالتَأييد قامَت لمصره
مدافعُها فيها أَتمَّ قِيام

3. They raised the flags of victory in joy,
Above each lightning-striking door.

٣. وَقَد نشرت للنصر أَعلام بَهجة
عَلى كُل باب للصواعق رامي

4. Their battalions turned against every enemy,
So they fled, failing to achieve their hopes.

٤. وَدوراتها دارَت عَلى كل شانئٍ
ففرّ وَلَم يظفر بنيل مَرام

5. From them, lines of fire ignited their flames,
Destroying the ambitions of a distant tyrant.

٥. وَمِنها خُطوط النار شبّ ضرامها
وَأَودى بِطاغ مِن بَعيد مرامي

6. The branches of their fervor's banners continued
To be stirred by the winds at every pillar.

٦. وَأَغصان أَدواح الحَماسة لَم يَزَل
يحرّك مِنها الريحُ كُلَّ قوام

7. Their parapets and bastions were made firm,
So strife was awed by their severe conflict.

٧. وَبرداتُها وَالبستيوناتُ أُحكِمت
فَهاب الوَغى مِنها لَديد خصام

8. Waters flowed from their moats, flooding
Over a desolate plain beneath the wings of darkness.

٨. وَفاضَت مياهٌ مِن خنادقها طغت
عَلى شوّ صَحْرا تَحتَ جنحِ ظَلام

9. No ambitious invader escaped unharmed,
Nor returned to his homelands in peace.

٩. فَلم يَنجُ مِنها طامعٌ في سَلامة
وَلا عادَ في أَوطانه بِسَلام

10. As for their arenas of fortresses, they
Harbor every ferocious lion in battle.

١٠. فَأَما مَيادين القِلاع فَإِنَّها
بِها كُلُّ ليثٍ في النِزال همام

11. Happy is he who commands their king's armies
And gains a promise or seizes the reins.

١١. فيا سَعد مَن والى جيوش مَليكها
وَفازَ بِوَعد أَو بِأَخذ ذمام

12. Woe to he who opposes them in their fight-
He will suffer disgrace like a doveling dove.

١٢. وَيا وَيل مَن عاداه عِندَ نِضاله
سيصلى سَعيراً مِن هوانِ حِمام

13. Does he not know the lion guards a castle?
Its cannons are fierce in war.

١٣. أَلم يَدر أَن الأُسدَ حرّاسُ قلعةٍ
مَدافعُها في الحَرب ذاتُ ضرام

14. They prevailed with might and strength
And a soul that matches the soul of resolute men.

١٤. وَأَنهمُ سادوا بِبَأسٍ وَقوّة
وَنَفس بِها تَأتمّ نَفسُ عصام

15. How could it be otherwise, when they were raised
By one whose nobility is proverbial in times of strife?

١٥. وَكَيفَ وَقَد ربّاهمُ ذو شَهامة
بِها تُضرَب الأَمثال يَوم زحام

16. May God protect this counselor, for he
Is our shield against the blows of events.

١٦. رَعى اللَه هَذا الداوريَّ فَإِنَّهُ
لَنا مِن ملمّات الحَوادث حامي

17. May He grant him victory and triumph whenever
A new moon appears or the full moon is completed.

١٧. وَأَيّده بِالفَتح وَالنَصر ما بَدا
هِلالٌ وَما قَد لاحَ بَدر تَمام

18. He continues to establish each fortress and citadel
For the glory of dignity or the disgrace of villains.

١٨. فَلا زالَ يُنشي كُل حصن وَقَلعة
لعز كِرامٍ أَو لذل لئام

19. Until he sees all the lands obedient
To Egypt, with sound opinion and noble ideals.

١٩. إِلى أَن يَرى كُلَّ البِلاد مُطيعةً
لمصر بَرأيٍ بِالإِصابة سامي

20. And support continues for a state
Where the rain of glories is flooding from the horizon.

٢٠. وَلا برح التَأييد عَبداً لدولة
بِها الغَيث مِن أُفق المَكارم هامي

21. Nor has the protected one of Providence ceased
To pick for it the finest compositions and words.

٢١. وَلا اِنفكَّ مَملوكُ العِناية يَنتَقي
لَها مِن نَفيس النَظم درَّ كَلام

22. He runs in the racecourse of spreading its praise
With an early rising thought in eulogies.

٢٢. وَيَركضُ في مضمار بَثِّ ثَنائها
بِسابق فكرٍ في المَدائح نامي

23. His good fortune says, recording it in history:
"My fortresses have adorned their necklaces with perfection."

٢٣. وَإِقبالُه الأَسنى يَقول مؤرِّخاً
حُصوني تَحلَّى عقدها بِتَمام