
Congratulations to a house that processions

هنيئا لدار لا تزال المواكب

1. Congratulations to a house that processions
Still come to it with glories in congratulations addressing

١. هَنيئاً لِدارٍ لا تَزال المَواكبُ
لَها بِالمَعالي في التَهاني تُخاطبُ

2. And how when the falcons of glory are in its sky
He is the buyer and the flowers in it are stars

٢. وَكَيفَ وَشاهين العلا في سَمائها
هُوَ المشتري وَالزهر فيها كَواكب

3. And its prosperity increases in it and becomes more radiant
And to its heights in it the ranks hasten

٣. وَإقباله يَزداد فيها وَيَزدهي
وَتَسعى إِلى عَلياه فيها المَراتب

4. And it is filled with the best of boys from him
With them in it the drinks are sweetened

٤. وَيَملؤها مِنهُ بِأَنجب صَبية
لَهُ مَعَهُم فيها تَطيب المَشارب

5. And my glory for it, a historian says
The palace of falcons, for it fortune is seeking

٥. وَمَجدي لَهُ فيها يَقول مؤرخاً
سراية شاهين لَها السَعد طالب