
O my friend, I have attained a rank,

يا خليلي إني بلغت مقاما

1. O my friend, I have attained a rank,
Unattainable by the perceptive minds of Labid.

١. يا خَليلي إِني بَلَغتُ مَقاماً
لَم يَنَل شَأوه اللَبيب لَبيدُ

2. When I adorned myself with praising a prince,
Who is unique in glory and greatness.

٢. إِذ تَحلّيت بامتداح أَميرٍ
هَوَ في المَجد وَالمَعالي فَريدُ

3. My qualities led me to praise him,
While the guided strayed from it.

٣. وَدَعتني إِلى المَديح سَجايا
ضلّ عَنها عَلى هداه الرَشيد

4. In him is whatever beautiful traits you wish,
The eloquent and excellent became confused in enumerating them.

٤. فيهِ ما شئت مِن بَديع صِفات
حارَ في حَصرِها البَليغ المُجيد

5. In him is forbearance, kindness and chastity,
As well as wisdom in every proper matter.

٥. فيهِ حلم وَرأفة وَعَفاف
بَل وَرأيٌ في كُل أَمر سَديد

6. And intellect that makes me forget the intellect of Iyas,
And loyalty among people, praiseworthy.

٦. وَذَكاء أَنسى ذَكاء إِياسٍ
وَوَفاء لَدى الأَنام حَميد

7. If you compare him to Hatim, he has
A mother unlike the despicable and outcast Hatim.

٧. إِن تقسه بحاتم فلديه
حاتم مادر ذَميم طَريد

8. Can Aristotle equal him in judgments?
Or match him in knowledge, Arshamid?

٨. هَل يُساويه في القَضايا أَرسطو
أَو يُوازيه في العُلوم اَرشميد

9. Or can Ma’n rival him in generosity?
While he is a fortress built for generosity.

٩. أَم يجاريه في المَكارم معنٌ
وَهوَ حصن للمكرمات مشيد

10. He is an ocean in every kind of knowledge, profound,
Both the confidant and the distant drink from it.

١٠. هُوَ بَحر في كُل علم خِضَمٌّ
مِنهُ يُروى مقرّب وَبَعيد

11. He is the best refuge for the fearful,
And a fierce lion against the aggressive.

١١. هُوَ للخائِفين خَير مَلاذٍ
وَعَلى المُعتدين لَيث شَديد

12. Suggest what you want, for he has
More than what the follower wishes, to grant.

١٢. فَاقترح ما تُريده فَلَديه
فَوقَ ما يَشتَهي يَنال المريد

13. He is never seen to be unjust instead of just,
While he is guided and prosperous in it.

١٣. ما يُرى عادِلاً عن العَدل يَوماً
وَهوَ فيهِ موفّق وَسَعيد

14. And he is worthy of the sublime position,
And all people are witnesses to that.

١٤. وَهوَ بِالمنصب الرَفيع جَدير
وَجَميع الوَرى بِذاك شُهود

15. So if an ignorant person makes claims about you,
He is mistaken in what he initiates and repeats.

١٥. فَإِذا ما ادّعى علاك جهول
مان فيما يبدي وَفيما يعيد

16. Do not blame them if they envy you, for
No people of merit but have envious ones.

١٦. لا تلمهم إِن يَحسدوك فَما من
أَهل فَضل إِلّا عَلَيهِ حَسود

17. And trust in God and leave them
Lost in their blindness, for the envious do not prevail.

١٧. وَتَوكل عَلى الإله وَدَعهم
في عَماهم فَما الحَسود يَسود

18. And congratulate yourself, for none but you
Are worthy of the position, to which notables flock.

١٨. وَتَهنأ فَلَيسَ غَيرك أَهلا
لِمَقام بِهِ العفاة وُفود

19. And be alert to favors, and take the initiative
For the pleasure of living while the enemies languish.

١٩. وَتَيقظ لِلمكرمات وَبادر
لذة العَيش وَالأَعادي خمود

20. Whoever is distant hopes one day, while we
Have everyday with your face a celebration.

٢٠. مَن بِعيدٍ يُسَرُّ يوماً فإنّا
كُلَّ يَوم لَنا بوجهك عيد

21. So grant me acceptance of my poetry, for I
Give generously what I have in my hands.

٢١. فَأَجزني قبول شعري فَإِني
بِالَّذي في يَديّ مِنهُ أَجود

22. And remain and take pride in eternity that does not fade,
Thanking God with thanks that increase.

٢٢. وَابق وَافخر بسودد لَيسَ يَفنى
شاكر للإله شكراً يَزيد