1. The feast is yours, O Tawfiq, it has arrived with victory
And come to you with prosperity, O star of the age
١. لَكَ العيد يا تَوفيق قَد حلّ بِالنَصرِ
وَوافاك بِالإِقبال يا كَوكَب العَصرِ
2. And the tongues of mankind have praised your sublime traits
With pleasing poetry and prose
٢. وَأَثنَت عَلى علياك أَلسنةُ الوَرى
بِما راقَ مِن نَظم بَديع وَمِن نَثر
3. O you whose heart contains the fewest faults
Too numerous to be counted, beyond quantification
٣. فَيا لَكَ مِن صَدر أَقلُّ صِفاته
لكثرتها في العَد جلت عَن الحَصر
4. Traits if kings were adorned with some of them
They would succeed in earning good repute
٤. صِفات لَو اِزدانَ المُلوك بِبَعضِها
لَفازوا بِما يَرجون مِن حسَن الذكر
5. Traits with which your father's joy increased
For his eternal, mighty state until the Resurrection
٥. صِفات بِها اِزدادت مَسرّة والد
لِدَولته عزٌّ يَدوم إِلى الحَشر
6. For his awe-inspiring state in both horizons
With which homelands parade in robes of pride
٦. لِدَولته في الخافقين مَهابة
بِها تَرفل الأَوطان في حلل الفَخر
7. And how could it not when in it for his kingdom
You became a guardian by consensus of slave and free
٧. وَكَيفَ وَقَد أَصبَحت فيها لملكه
وَلياً بِإِجماع مِن العَبد وَالحر
8. And by you the days in it became for its people
Seasons of recurring feasts with humankind
٨. وَأَضحت بِكَ الأَيّام فيها لأهلها
مَواسمُ أَعياد تَعود مَعَ البِشر
9. And they speak sincerely of the affection you have
Upon which all hearts relied forever
٩. وَتعرب بِالإِخلاص عَن ودّك الَّذي
عَلَيهِ اِنطَوَت كُل القُلوب مَدى الدَهر
10. And they disseminate about you in judgments virtues
Wherein justice is manifest in prohibition and command
١٠. وَتَنشُر في الأَحكام عَنكَ مآثراً
عَلَيها يَلوح العَدل في النهي وَالأَمر
11. So the army of glory in Egypt remains servant
To your shining ascent in secret and openly
١١. فَلا زالَ جند المَجد في مَصر خادِماً
لطلعتك الغَراء في السر وَالجَهر
12. And the king's face is, at every moment
For you, O Children of Ishmael, smiling
١٢. وَلا زالَ وَجه الملك في كُلّ لَحظة
لَكم يا بَني اِسماعيل مُبتَسم الثَغر
13. And the verses praising your father
Are continuously recited to people with meditation and reflection
١٣. وَلا بَرحت آيات مَدح أَبيكمُ
عَلى الناس تتلَى بِالروية وَالفكر
14. And no poetry has been said about anyone but you
For you all deserve abundant praise and thanks
١٤. وَلا قيل شعر في سِواكُم لِأَنَّكُم
جَديرون بِالحَمد الجَزيل وَبِالشُكر
15. May God keep you thriving in every assembly
The noblest counselor presiding in the highest seat
١٥. وَدُمت رَعاك اللَه في كُل محفل
أَجلَّ مشير حلّ في مسند الصَدر
16. For you are most deserving of congratulations from advisors
Especially on the feast of breakfasting at dusk
١٦. فَإِنَّكَ أَولى بِالتَهاني مِن الملا
وَلا سيما في عيد مائدة الفطر
17. Especially on the feast of the most auspicious rising
That came after the absence of the fasting month with blessings and reward
١٧. وَلا سيما في عيد أَسعَد طالع
أَتى غبّ شَهر الصَوم بِاليمن وَالأَجر
18. And the crescent appeared to people's eyes
With the most splendid glow, less than the full moon
١٨. وَلاحَ لِأَبصار الأَنام هلاله
بِأَزهى ضياء دُونه غرة البَدر
19. So I recited, chronicling the beauty of my beginning
The feast is yours, O Tawfiq, it has arrived with victory
١٩. فَأَنشدت في حسن ابتِدائي مؤرخاً
لَكَ العيد يا توفيق قَد حلَ بِالنَصر