
I say to the unjust days that strayed from the path of truth,

أقول لدهر ضل عن منهج الحق

1. I say to the unjust days that strayed from the path of truth,
Peace be upon the Lord of mankind, iniquity, and immorality.

١. أَقول لِدَهر ضلّ عَن مَنهَج الحَقِّ
وَسالم رَبّ العيّ وَاللؤم وَالفسقِ

2. They opposed noble scholars whose knowledge
Spread in the west and east of the earth.

٢. وَعاند أَقواماً كِراماً عُلومُهم
قَد اِنتَشَرَت في مَغرب الأَرض وَالشرق

3. O days, how much you desire an ignorant and unwise man,
Yet dislike a perceptive and intelligent man, leaving no trace of him.

٣. أَيا دَهرُ كم تَصبو لِغَمر وَجاهل
وَتَرغب عَن حَبرٍ لَبيب وَلا تُبقي

4. You raise the lowly and debase the exalted,
And overpower the virtuous among us without mercy.

٤. وَتَرفع مَخفوضاً وَتَخفض راقِياً
وَتَسطو عَلى الأَخيار مِنا بِلا رفق

5. Since when have you distinguished
Righteousness, wisdom and eloquence?

٥. أَما أَنتَ حَيث ميزت
الرشدِ وَالفهمِ وَالنطق

6. Were you not content with a virtuous leader
Other than God, His messengers and all creation?

٦. أَما كُنت تَرضى لِلرياسة فاضِلاً
سِوىلِلّه وَالرُسلِ وَالخَلق

7. You have aged, o my days, and become incapable
Of judging, not knowing your steps from the truth.

٧. لَقد شَبتَ يا دَهري وَأَصبَحتَ عاجِزاً
عَن الحُكم لا تَدري خطاك مِن الحَق

8. Thus you belittled Suhban, Qass and Ahnaf,
While the well-known Baqiluk won the race.

٨. فَأَخَّرتَ سحباناً وَقسّاً وَأَحنَفاً
وَباقلُك المَعروف قَد فازَ بِالسبق

9. You forced me to say, chronicling history,
That an unworthy man rose in his time without merit.

٩. وَأَحوَجتَني أَني أَقول مُؤرخاً
رقى في وَقت وَصل بِلا حَق