
You have good fortune, O King of Hejaz, with your generous, noble steed of honored lineage and auspicious birth.

لك السعد يا ملك الحجاز بجواد

1. You have good fortune, O King of Hejaz, with your generous, noble steed of honored lineage and auspicious birth.
He is spirited in the stance of war, with a might that causes the piles of disbelief and atheism to tremble.

١. لَك السَعد يا ملك الحِجاز بجوّادِ
شَريف أَثيل المَجد طَيّب مِيلادِ

2. He inherited this resolve from excellent forebears who never accepted to be matched with peers.
He inherited it from a master and son of a master who assumed leadership, so religion gained reinforcements through him.

٢. همام لَهُ في مَوقف الحَرب سَطوةٌ
تَدكدك مِنها طود كفر وإِلحاد

3. My master Abdullah, O unique one of mankind, O son of the exalted, who guided with superiority and guidance.
I give solace regarding the glories in the Imam, son of the one who revived the virtues of ancestors.

٣. تَوارَث هَذا العَزم عَن خَير والد
أَبى مِنهُ يَوماً أَن يُقاس بِأَنداد

4. And I overlook the days that established you as leader after him, by whom resources and aid become pure.
And I wish for you noble victory over enemies in a state of eternal prosperity and fortune.

٤. تَوارثه عَن سيد وابن سَيد
تَولَّى فَفاز الدين مِنهُ بإِمداد

5. And I recite the pain we unburden at dawn and in victory before you, and my poetry rises in your praise.
So live in purity by the Purity in happiness, might, and support despite the envious.

٥. أَمَولاي عَبد اللَه يا أَوحَد الوَرى
وَيا اِبن الأُلى سادوا بِفَضل وَإِرشاد

6. And increase the joy I recorded about you as a historian honored to be connected with you, O King of Glories.

٦. أَعزِّي المَعالي في الإِمام ابن عَونها
أَبيك الَّذي أَحيا مَكارم أَجداد

٧. وَأَصفَح عَن دَهر أَقامك بَعده
إِماماً بِهِ تَصفو مَوارد ورّاد

٨. وَأَرجو لك النَصر العَزيز عَلى العِدا
بِدَولة إِقبال يَدوم وَإِسعاد

٩. وَأَتلو أَلم نَشرح مَع الفَتح وَالضُحى
لَدَيك وَيَعلو بامتداحك إِنشادي

١٠. فَعش بِالصَفا عِندَ الصَفا في سَعادة
وَعزٍّ وتَأييد عَلى رغم حساد

١١. وَزد بهجة ما قلت فيهك مؤرّخاً
تشرّف بِعَبد اللَه يا ملك أَمجاد