
We heard, but would that we had not heard!

قد سمعنا وليتنا ما سمعنا

1. We heard, but would that we had not heard!
We benefited, but truly we did not gain.

١. قَد سَمعنا وَليتنا ما سَمعنا
وَنَفعنا لَكننا ما اِنتَفَعنا

2. Though the honored vizier is our pride,
He now turns from us for no reason.

٢. إِن فَخري نعم الوَزير المرجَّى
أَعرض الآن بِالأصالة عَنا

3. When he sought to reduce the years we served,
Of a livelihood for one who strove so hard,

٣. حَيث رامَ اِنتِقاص مدّة شُغل
مِن مَعاش لِطالب قَد تعنَّى

4. In the courts where we toiled night and day
Doing all that we were capable of.

٤. مُدة في مَحاكم الحُكم قُمنا
بِالَّذي قَد علمته ما اِستَطَعنا

5. And when told that we'll be compensated
With coins to erase our tribulation,

٥. فَإِذا قيل إِنَّهُم كافؤونا
بِنُقود تَمحو عَناء المُعَنّى

6. It's but a trifle, without any doubt,
After all we previously laid down.

٦. فَهيَ نزر مِن غَير شَك يَسير
بَعد رَفع مِن قَبلها قَد وَضَعنا

7. We missed promotion, and were it not
For abasement, we would have risen high.

٧. وَلَقَد فاتَنا التَرقّي وَلَولا
خَفضنا في حَضيضها لارتفعنا

8. With injustice, they halved our salary,
Denying us what was rightfully ours.

٨. وَعَلى النُصف في المَرتَّب ظلماً
عامَلونا وَالحَق مِنهُ مُنعنا

9. To what end is patience, when we suffer
All these wrongs that have caused us such grief -

٩. فَإلامَ وَالصَبر عيلَ نُلاقي
ما نُلاقي مِما بِهِ قَد فُجعنا

10. Callous injustice and docked years
From a lifetime of service we gave.

١٠. مِن جَفاء مُحرّمٍ وَاِنتِقاص
لِسِنين في عُمرنا قَد جَمَعنا

11. In hardships, we sought aid from you before,
And in times of adversity found strength.

١١. بِكَ مِن قَبل في الصِعاب اِستَغَثنا
وَعَلى حادث الزَمان اِستَعنا

12. We gained what we wanted and got
What made us equal to any task.

١٢. فَظفرنا بِما أَرَدنا وَنِلنا
ما غَدَونا بِهِ نُعادل مَعنا

13. Why then condemn us to ruin, when
Others disobeyed while we complied?

١٣. فَلِماذا تَسومنا الخسف لَما
غَيرنا قَد عَصى وَنَحنُ أَطَعنا

14. I swear by good faith and loyalty true,
Never strayed we from what was right.

١٤. قسماً بِالوَفا وَعَهد التَصافي
ما لِغَير الصَواب يَوماً خَضَعنا

15. No life of disgrace after honor's milk
From its teat we suckled and were sustained.

١٥. لا وَلا قادَنا إِلى الذُل عَيش
بَعدَ عَز من ثَديه قَد رَضعنا

16. After forty years of service, would you
Repay us with what now we have heard?

١٦. أَفَمَن بَعد أَربعين نُجازي
في خداماتِنا بِما قَد سَمعنا

17. How can you approve denying us years
Of rule we enforced and injustice we quelled?

١٧. كَيفَ تَرضى حرماننا في قَضاء
مِن سِنين بِالحُكم فيها قمعنا

18. Your justice, we know, is never unjust.
Nor your judgment which we have witnessed.

١٨. ما عَهدنا في عَدلك الجور كلا
لا وَلا رابك الَّذي قَد صَنَعنا

19. Exert then your powers to set right
Our condition - redress and redeem us!

١٩. فَابذل الهمة العَلية فيما
فيهِ إِصلاح حالنا وَاِصطَنِعنا

20. For in foreign lands there is livelihood
For those who served their homeland with us.

٢٠. فَبِلاد الأَغراب فيها مَعاشٌ
لِلَّذي في خدامة القُطر مَعنا

21. This is the need of us all, so hasten
With swift justice in word and in deed.

٢١. هَذِهِ حاجة الجَميع فَعجِّل
بِسَريع الإِنصاف حساً وَمَعنى