
I spread the flags of my praise among the clans of Yemen

نشرت أعلام مدحي في بني يكن

1. I spread the flags of my praise among the clans of Yemen
The noses smelling, protectors of religion and homeland

١. نَشرت أَعلام مَدحي في بَني يَكَنِ
شمّ الأُنوف حماة الدين وَالوَطَنِ

2. And my horses of thought in their hippodrome
With the sword they won and gained the greatest gifts

٢. وَخيل فكريَ في مضمار حَيدرهم
بِالسَيف فازَت وَحازَت أَعظَم المِنَن

3. What an Emir learning from his father
A tradition of meaning and given the wisdom of Yemen

٣. فَيا لَهُ مِن أَمير عَن أَبيه رَوى
حَديث مَعْنٍ وَأُوتي حكمة اليمن

4. He attained what he sought of glory and nobility
And of heights, and of fortune, and of

٤. وَنال ما رام مِن مَجدٍ وَمِن شَرَفٍ
وَمِن مَعال وَمِن سَعد وَمِن وَمِنِ

5. In his noble cradle there shone for us
Tidings of Yemen, rising status, and insight

٥. وَلاحَ في مَهد عَلياه عَلَيهِ لَنا
بَشائرُ اليُمن وَالإقبال وَالفطن

6. He ruled in Egypt between the two worlds with
What he has of merit, understanding, and

٦. وَسادَ في مصر بَينَ العالمين بِما
لَهُ مِن الفَضل عَن فهم وَعَن وَعَن

7. So much does he have of gifts none can thank him
Of the people of needs, with glib tongues

٧. فَكَم لَهُ مِن أَياد لا يَقومُ لَهُ
بِشكرها مِن بَني الحاجات ذو لَسن

8. And how much calmness he has in judging
For justice, wherein is a decisive sword, stiller of strifes

٨. وَكَم لَهُ مِن سَداد في محاكمة
لِلعَدل فيها حسامٌ حاسم الفتن

9. And how many virtues of his some of which
The pages are filled, with prose and verse

٩. وَكَم لَهُ مِن مَزايا بَعضُها مُلئت
بِهِ الصَحائف مِن نَثر وَمتَّزِن

10. So may God relieve the chest expanded
For victory, the standards of Mansur over cities

١٠. فَاللَه يَشرح مِنهُ الصَدر ما نُشرت
لِلنَصر راياتُ مَنصورٍ عَلى المدن

11. Nor did Al-Abbas smile at the battleground
Of defender, in meeting a challenging foe

١١. وَما تبسم عباس بمعترك
لَهاصرٍ في لقاء الخصم ممتحن

12. Nor Khalil's love for his friend grow
To keep safe the honour of trusted and secure

١٢. وَما صفا مِن خَليل وَدُّه وَصبا
لحفظ ذمّة مَأمون وَمؤتمن

13. Nor did the full moon of Abdullah appear
Lighting the earth from Egypt to Aden

١٣. وَما بَدا بَدر عَبد اللَه فَاِبتهجت
بِنوره الأَرض مِن مَصرٍ إِلى عَدَن

14. Nor did Abraham the best young man armour
To break what the heathens of idols did fashion

١٤. وَما تَجرّد إِبراهيم خَيرُ فَتى
لِكَسر ما عَبد النمروذ مِن وَثَن

15. Nor did David the Sublime temper iron
From which came swords and mailcoats for the body

١٥. وَما الحَديد لداود العلا طبعت
مِنهُ الصوارم وَالأَدراع للبَدن

16. Nor did Hussein's worth mount in his lineage
To Muhammad interceded for by the finest

١٦. وَما الحسين عَلا قَدراً بنسبته
إِلى محمد المشفوع بالحسن

17. Still among the splendid dynasty their knot
Rises with its gems in excellence and price

١٧. لازالَ في الدَولة الغَراء عقدُهُمُ
يَسمو بجوهره في الحسن وَالثَمَن

18. How not and Ali is their sun
Praised by mankind secretly and openly

١٨. وَكَيفَ لا وَعليّ وَهوَ شمسُهُمُ
يُثني عَلَيهِ الوَرى في السر وَالعَلَن

19. The Emir who revived by his birth
All that is duty and tradition of virtues

١٩. وَهوَ الأَمير الَّذي أَحيا بِمولده
ما للمكارم مِن فَرض وَمِن سنن

20. Where the Protected extends from Turk to Arab
He brought it forth under a star of fortune paired

٢٠. حَيث المهيمن مِن تركٍ وَمِن عربٍ
أَنشاه في طالع بِالسَعد مُقترن

21. So he came with victory narrating in his marks
A generous father and uncle, stallion of time

٢١. فجاءَ بِالنَصر يحكي في شَمائله
أَباً كَريماً وَخالاً فارس الزَمَن

22. Long live his excellencies, time without end
I spread the flags of my praise among the clans of Yemen

٢٢. دامَت مَعاليه طُول الدَهر ما تُلِيَت
نَشرتُ أَعلامَ مَدحي في بَني يَكَن