1. May your hands last as long as time lasts, and may
Heaven destine you to the highest ranks.
١. دامَت أَياديك ما دامَ الزَمان وَما
سَما بِعَلياك قَدراً أَرفَعَ الرُتَبِ
2. May you remain in Egypt, a savior of the weak,
For as long as the course of events makes my people prosper.
٢. وَدُمت في مَصر غَوثاً للعفاة عَلى
طُول المَدى ما سَعيد فازَ بِالأَرَب
3. None adorned with my praise is worthier of it
Than the finest pages, books, and scrolls.
٣. وَما تَحلَّى بِمَدحي في الجَدير بِهِ
جيد الدَواوين وَالأَسفار وَالكُتُب