1. If my rope of hope were not connected
To your dream between East and West,
١. لَو كانَ حَبل رَجائي غَيرَ مُتَصلٍ
بِغَير حلمك بيَن الترك وَالعربِ
2. I would not have awaited the reversal of my fate,
Nor been patient with past tribulations.
٢. لَما ترقبت مِن دَهري مراجعة
وَلا صَبرت عَلى ما كانَ مِن وَصَب
3. Rather, I would have killed myself to kill it,
And found rest from ever-growing misery and adversity.
٣. بَل كُنت أَقتل نَفسي كَي بقتلتها
أَرتاح مِن أَسَف يَنمو وَمِن نصب
4. But I fear that if I die of frustration,
They will say so-and-so died ignorantly without cause.
٤. لَكن أَخاف إِذا ما مت مِن حنق
قالوا فُلان مَضى جَهلاً بِلا سَبب
5. This is the lodging of the generous whose comfort
Is prescribed for all people in books.
٥. هَذا نَزيلُ أَبَرٍّ جودُ راحتِه
مسطَّر لِجَميع الناس في الكُتب
6. My Lord, You did not accustom me to this, enough
Of what I have encountered of horrors and fatigue.
٦. مَولاي ما هَكَذا عَودتني فَكَفى
ما قَد لَقيت مِن الأَهوال وَالتَعَب
7. So every person tomorrow is in prosperity and eminence
And adversity has departed from him, even excelling in rank.
٧. فَكُل شَخص غَدا في نعمة وَهَنا
وَزالَ عَنهُ العَنا بل زادَ في الرُتب
8. And here is my letter coming hopeful
O owner of glory, relieve affliction and distress
٨. وَها إليك كِتابي جاءَ مُرتَجياً
يا صاحب الجاه كَشف الضر وَالكرب
9. Do not reject it crying for its disappointment
You still strive to do good as one who is rewarded.
٩. فَلا تردَّنَّه يَبكي لخيبته
لا زلت لِلخَير تَسعى سَعي مُحتسب
10. For you are the best prince of noble descent
And have attained the knowledge and manners you sought.
١٠. فَأَنتَ خَير أَمير طابَ عنصره
وَحازَ ما رام مِن علم وَمِن أَدَب