
My spirit, half asleep, turned to me

بروحي ريما ناعس الطرف جاد لي

1. My spirit, half asleep, turned to me
With a kiss and caress, my sickness disappeared

١. بِرُوحيَ ريماً ناعسَ الطَرف جادَ لي
بِرَشفٍ وَتَقبيلٍ فَزالَ سقامي

2. I raised him as a child and loved him
But when he awoke, he shot me with arrows

٢. كَلفت بِهِ طفلاً وَهمت بِحُبه
فَلَما اِنتَشى أَصمى الحَشا بِسهام

3. And wished safety to my enemies though they were unjust
And met me with wrong after breaking their word

٣. وَسالم أَعدائي وَفي حكمه اِعتَدى
وَقابلني ظُلماً بِنَقض ذمامي

4. May God erase those who choose passion
And accept humiliation after raising status

٤. لَحى اللَهُ مَن يَصبو اِختِياراً إِلى الهَوى
وَيَرضى بِخَفض بَعد رَفع مَقام

5. And reject good advice but obey
The words of a neighbor in enduring fetters

٥. وَيَرفض أَقوال النُصوح وَلَم يُطع
مَقالة جار في أَسير مَدام

6. Never was there a day I burnt my soul
With love of a girl or love of a lad

٦. فَلا كانَ يَوم فيهِ أَحرقت مُهجَتي
بِحُبِّ فَتاةٍ أَو بِحُبِّ غُلام

7. Nor was there a day I was tired of an advisor
Who wanted my freedom from bonds of love

٧. وَلا كانَ يَوم ملت فيهِ لِناصح
أَرادَ خَلاصي مِن قُيود غَرام

8. O you fault-finder who sought to seduce me
With words of lies and false speech

٨. أَلا أَيُّها اللاحي الَّذي رامَ سَلوَتي
بِأَقوال بُهتان وَزور كَلام

9. If the one I loved was pleased with me
You were still angry, full of blame

٩. إِذا كانَ مَن أَهواه عَني راضِياً
فَلا زلتَ غَضباناً كَثير ملام

10. For the love of my beloved possessed me, so if
I prayed, he was my prayer leader

١٠. فحب حَبيبي قَد تَملكني فَإِن
أَصلِّ إِلى المحراب فَهوَ إِمامي

11. I admit I sinned in loving him
And repaid my betrayer with long discord

١١. عَلى أَنَّني أَخطأت في دين حُبه
وَجازَيت خلّاني بِطول خصام

12. But I regretted my negligence
Regret that did not accomplish its goal

١٢. وَلَكن عَلى التَفريط أَصبَحتُ نادِماً
نَدامة صبّ لَم يَفز بِمَرام

13. And I decided not to leave one who,
However perfect, was absent from me

١٣. وَآليت أَني لا أَميل لِغادرٍ
وَلَو كانَ أَبهى مِن بُدور تَمام