1. I bear glad tidings with joy, O most generous one
So I have unleashed with gratitude my eloquent tongue
١. بَشير التَهاني بِالسُرور حَباني
فَأَطلقت بِالشُكر الجَميل لِساني
2. Though I had shunned love and its people
Despite my heart's desire and my soul's urging
٢. وَقَد كُنت قاطَعتُ الغَرام وَأَهله
عَلى رَغم لبي في الهَوى وَجِناني
3. And I had besieged the fortress of patience until I conquered it
And cared not for sleep when it betrayed me
٣. وَحاصرتُ حُصن الصَبر حَتّى مَلكته
وَلَم أَكتَرث بِالنَوم حينَ جَفاني
4. And I hung my hopes of chastity on the firmness
For the sin committed by the one who denied and spurned me
٤. وَعلقت آمال العذول بسلوة
لِذَنب جَناه مَن رَنا فَرَماني
5. That was only because he broke his vow
And made a pledge with another in passion
٥. وَما ذاكَ إِلّا أَنَّهُ خانَ عَهدَهُ
وَواعد غَيري في الهَوى بِتَداني
6. If only I had a glance that would wound separation
And a specter would visit me belonging to him, it would suffice me
٦. وَلَو أَنَّ لي طَرفاً يُلِمُّ بِهِ الكَرى
وَيَطرقني طَيفٌ لَهُ لَكَفاني
7. But how can a specter visit one like me, when I am
A companion to wakefulness, enduring the cutting off
٧. وَكَيفَ يَزور الطَيف مثلي وَإِنَّني
حَليفُ سهاد لِلصُدود أُعاني
8. If he who I love kept betraying
He would have remedied by destroying my soul in youth, my focus
٨. وَلَو دامَ مَن أَهوى عَلى الغَدر لاشتفى
بإتلاف رُوحي في الصَبابة شاني
9. But when after his estrangement, he fulfilled
And bestowed on me the gift of union before disgrace
٩. وَلَكنهُ لَمّا وَفى بَعد هَجره
وَأَنعم لي بِالوَصل قَبل هَواني
10. And I made him vow to never abandon me afterwards
And he willingly pledged allegiance to me and upheld my position
١٠. وَعاهَدته أَن لا يُغادر بَعدَها
وَبايَعَني طَوعاً وَقامَ بَشاني
11. I poured unto him a cup brimming over
And severed for his love my neck for sacrifice
١١. صَبَوتُ إِلَيهِ صَبوة عامريةً
وَقاطَعت خلّاً في هَواه لحاني
12. So enough, O critic, of blame and be done
For censure cannot benefit one slain by passion
١٢. فَيا لائِمي كفَّ المَلامة وَاِنتَهي
فَما اللَوم يُجدي في صَريع غَواني
13. In my doctrine, love is the true guidance
And he who prevents you from it is a transgressor
١٣. وَفي مَذهَبي أَن الغَرام هُوَ الهُدى
وَأن الَّذي يَنهاكَ عَنهُ لَجاني
14. The strangest thing is when an ignorant man in love
Leads you astray from the right path with false rhetoric
١٤. وَأَعجَب شَيء أَن يصدّك في الهَوى
عَن الرُشد ضلّيل بِزور بَيان
15. God willed that I live bereft
Answering the call of love wherever it beckons me
١٥. أَبى اللَه إلّا أَن أَعيش مُتَيَّماً
مُجيباً لِداعي الحُب حَيث دَعاني
16. Obeying the decrees of passion, and opposing
The opinion of a foolish man who rebuked me for passion
١٦. مُطيعاً لِأَحكام الهَوى وَمُخالِفاً
لِرَأي سَفيهٍ بِالغَرام هَجاني
17. Yet I have never become bored of firmness
Even if this is presumed by the slanderer who discouraged me
١٧. عَلى أَنَّني ما ملتُ قَط لسلوة
وَإِن ظَنّ هَذا مَن وَشى وَنَهاني
18. If not for passion, no banner would be raised for me
If not for passion, my place would not have become exalted
١٨. فَلَولا الهَوى لَم تَنتَشر ليَ رايةٌ
وَلَولا الهَوى ما كانَ عزُّ مَكاني
19. If not for it, Antar would not have attained glory
When he terrified all the heroes on the day of spears
١٩. وَلَولاه ما نالَ السَعادةَ عَنتَرٌ
وَقَد أَرهَب الأَبطالَ يَوم طِعان
20. For his might, kings were humbled and became
Slaves to a tattooed dark-skinned man
٢٠. وَذلت لعزته المُلوك وَأَصبَحوا
عَبيداً لخطِّيٍّ لَهُ وَيَمان
21. How many an uncouth person's nature was refined by love
And taught him charm and beautiful meaning
٢١. فَكَم مِن جَهول هَذَّب الحُبُّ طَبعَه
وَعلَّمه ظَرفاً وَحُسنَ مَعاني
22. How many a fool surpassed the wise through passion
And became a role model in every land
٢٢. وَكَم مِن سَفيه بِالهَوى فاقَ أَحنَفاً
وَأَضحى لَهُ يُومَى بِكُلِّ بَنان
23. So whoever opposes me in the religion of youth and passion
As long as I live, clashes with me over whom I love
٢٣. فَحتّام في دين الصَبابة وَالهَوى
يُعاندني فيمَن أُحبُّ زَماني
24. And my heart has no paradise but his union
Even if, because of his estrangement, it is scorched by flames
٢٤. وَما لِفُؤادي جَنة غَير وَصله
وَلَو فَوق جَمر الهَجر مِنهُ قَلاني
25. Shall I turn away from him when he is unmatched in beauty?
A prophet of perfection with no second
٢٥. أَأرغَب عَنهُ وَهوَ في الحُسن مُفرَدٌ
نَبيُّ جَمالٍ لا يُقاس بِثاني
26. Just as in his generosity, forbearance, knowledge and loyalty
My prince, slayer of my enemies and protector
٢٦. كَما في السَخا وَالحلم وَالعلم وَالوَفا
أَميري عَليٌّ صارِمي وَسِناني
27. A prince through whom the house of knowledge took pride
And for his virtue, built the best of buildings
٢٧. أَمير بِهِ دار العُلوم تَفاخَرَت
وَلِلفَضل فيهِ شادَ خَيرَ مَباني
28. As for my tongue, if it dares to prevent
Thanking the Most High Lord, it would rebel against me
٢٨. فَأَما لِساني فَهوَ إِن رمت مَنعه
عَن الشُكر لِلمَولى الأَجل عَصاني
29. And as for my soul, it is inclined to praise him
So if my heart strays from singing his praises, it would guide me
٢٩. وَأَما جناني فَهوَ مغرىً بِمَدحه
فَإِن ضَلَّ لبِّي عَن ثَناه هَداني
30. And I wonder, can I adequately thank the one
Who has gifted me with all kinds of bounties?
٣٠. وَيا لَيتَ شِعري هَل أَقوم بِشُكر من
بِسائر أَنواع الهِبات حَباني
31. O pole of the cycle of politics and intellect
O pearl glowing in a necklace of perfection
٣١. فَيا قُطب دائرة السِياسة وَالذَكا
وَيا دُرّة تَزهو بِعقد جُمان
32. O highlight of my days, through you
My assemblies shine continuously, without hesitation
٣٢. وَيا واحد الأَيّام يا مَن بِهِ سَمَت
محافلُنا الغَرا بِدُون تَواني
33. O Kaaba, for pilgrimage to you our group strives
To gain all the virtues perfectly
٣٣. وَيا كَعبةً يَسعى لحجِّك جَمعُنا
لِكسب فُنون كُلّهنَّ حِسان
34. O master, you continue to be blessed among us
In instilling awareness of the extent of favors
٣٤. وَيا سَيداً لا زلتَ فينا مُوَفَّقاً
إِلى بَثِّ عرفان مَدى المَلَوان
35. Congratulations on Eid al-Fitr, O seal of mankind
For you have attained all reward in Ramadan
٣٥. تَهنأ بِعيد الفطر يا حاتم الوَرى
فَقد نِلت كُلَّ الأَجر في رَمَضان
36. And next to you is the full moon who captures hearts with her beauty
As she captures minds, like the daughter of Dannan
٣٦. وَدُونك بكراً يَملك القَلبَ حُسنُها
كَما تَملك الأَلبابَ بِنتُ دنان
37. And her dowry is nothing but acceptance, so greet her
With the highest greetings and finest congratulations
٣٧. وَما مَهرُها إِلّا القبول فحيِّها
بِأَسمى تَحيات وَحُسن تَهاني
38. You continue to be joyous, obeyed and blessed
The highest goals are led to you without resistance
٣٨. فَلا زلتَ مَسروراً مُطاعاً مُبارَكاً
تقاد لَكَ العليا بِغَير عِنان
39. And you continue, O son of the most honorable parents, supported
By God, under His protection and safety
٣٩. وَلا زلتَ يا اِبن الأَكرَمين مؤيداً
مِن اللَه في حفظ لَهُ وَأَمان