1. His Excellency's well-being is a remedy for hearts
And for sights it is nothing but their radiance
١. سَعيد المَعالي للقُلوب دَواؤُها
وَما هُوَ للأَبصار إلا ضياؤُها
2. And his health is a gift for the kingdom and religion
With it the glorious state extends its banner
٢. وَصحته للملك والدين منحة
بِها الدَولة الغَرّاء مدّ لواؤها
3. And in these lands he shone with recovery
For this Khedive his earth and its heavens
٣. وَفي هذه الأَوطان أَشرَق بِالشفا
لِهَذا الخديوي أَرضُها وَسَماؤُها
4. The dew, glory, zeal and excellence became balanced
On the foundation of excellent moderation is its building
٤. وَعوفى النَدى وَالمَجدُ وَالجدُّ واِستَوى
عَلى أسِّ حسنِ الاعتدال بِناؤها
5. And its loftiness removed the imbalance of its mood
And it returned as it was and its splendor increased
٥. وَعَلياؤه زال اِنحِرافُ مزاجها
وَعادَت كَما كانَت وَزادَ بَهاؤُها
6. The suns of innocence shone clearly in the situation, so
The gloom of illness that darkened it cleared
٦. وَلاحَت شُموس البرء في الحال فاِنجَلَت
غَياهبُ سقمٍ قَد تقشع داؤها
7. And times became good for us in his Egypt which
Through his company became healthy and its purity pleased
٧. وَطابَت لَنا الأَوقات في مَصره الَّتي
بصحبته صحت وَراق صَفاؤُها
8. And the achievements that cannot be fully praised
Gave him good tidings of his lasting in it
٨. وَبَشَّره فيها بطول بَقائه
مآثرُ لا يحصى عَلَيهِ ثَناؤُها
9. So I said I congratulate him on that chronicling
The recovery of Sa'eed is a remedy for hearts
٩. فَقُلت أَهنيه بِذاك مؤرّخا
شِفاء سَعيد للصدور شِفاؤها