
The virtues of Khayr al-Din, pillar of generosity

مناقب خير الدين صدر المكارم

1. The virtues of Khayr al-Din, pillar of generosity
Transcend enumeration in the verse of any poet

١. مَناقب خير الدين صدر المَكارمِ
تجلّ عَن الإحصاء في نظم ناظمِ

2. And his views in warding off every blemish
From religion and worldly life like the blow of swords

٢. وَآراؤه في دَفع كل ملمة
عَن الدين وَالدُنيا كَوقع الصَوارم

3. And his vigilance in ruling justly is guided
By it every commander to redress injustices

٣. وَيقظته في الحكم بالعدل يَهتدي
بِها كُل مأمور لردّ المَظالم

4. And his brilliant rising star that glitters as though
In Tunis a sun in the sky of tribunals

٤. وَطلعته الغرّا تَلوح كَأَنَّها
بِتُونس شَمسٌ في سَماء المَحاكم

5. And his mastery in every art that he practiced
With precedence and superiority over every sage

٥. وَتَأليفه في كل فنّ لَهُ قضى
بِسبق وَتفضيل عَلى كُل عالم