1. After union with the beautiful beloved, my life changed
And separation altered my conditions
١. عَن يانع الحُسن بَعدَ الوَصلِ أَلواني
دَهري وَغيّر بِالهُجران أَلواني
2. Not content with aloofness, he aimed his piercing arrows
At my heart, rendering me speechless
٢. وَما اِكتَفى بِالجَفا حَتّى رَمى خلَدي
عَمداً بسهم لَياليهِ فَأَصماني
3. I have no fault in his eyes except my love and concealment
To provoke him to shun me
٣. وَلَيسَ لي عِندَهُ ذَنب يحرّضه
عَلى تلافي سِوى حُبّي وَكتماني
4. O life, my skin is worn out, my bones cracked
And passion demolished my edifice
٤. إِلَيكَ يا دَهر عَني قَد وَهيَ جلَدي
وَاِندقَّ عَظمي وَهدّ الوَجدُ بُنياني
5. Illness besieged the castle of my body
Its ramparts collapsed, beyond repair
٥. وَحاصر السقمُ حصنَ الجسم فانثلمت
أَسوارُه وَاِنثَنى عَن رَأبِها باني
6. You had promised not to betray me, yet
You broke your oath and denied knowing me
٦. وَكُنتَ عاهَدتَني أَن لا تَمين فَلَم
تصدق وَأَنكرتَني مِن بَعد عرفان
7. My critic passed me by one day as usual
But saw no trace of me amongst my neighbors
٧. وَعاذلي مرّ بي يَوماً كَعادتِه
فَما رَأى لي خَيالاً بَينَ جِيراني
8. He said, "O people of this quarter, what has
Befallen the wounded lover among you?"
٨. فَقالَ يا أَهلَ هَذا الحَيِّ ما فَعلت
يَدُ الهَوى في شجيٍّ بَينَكُم عاني
9. After this absence, should I advise him
Out of concern to abstain and be tranquil?
٩. أَناصحٌ بَعد هَذا الغيِّ أَرشدَهُ
حرصاً عَلَيهِ إِلى تَركٍ وَسلوان
10. Or did he attain what he sought before his death?
Or die from intense longing and sorrow?
١٠. أَم نالَ ما كانَ يَرجو قَبل مَصرعه
أَو فاظَ مِن فَرط أَشواقٍ وَأَشجان
11. They said, "We heard him moan which caused us
Misery as his mortal body faded away"
١١. قالوا سَمعنا أَنيناً مِنهُ أَورثنا
بثّاً وَعَنا تَوارى جسمُه الفاني
12. So he returned at once, satisfied
With the story, without verification
١٢. فَعاد فَوراً عَلى الأَعقاب مُكتَفِياً
بِما رَوى دُون تَحقيق وَتبيان
13. And told the people I died of regret
For a head of hair that has no equal
١٣. وَنَبّأ الناس أَني متُّ مِن أَسَفٍ
عَلى رَشاً ما له في حُسنه ثاني
14. A moon eclipsing the sun in its rising
The full moon shy of his beaming glance
١٤. مهفهفٍ تزدري بِالشَمس طلعتُه
وَيخجل البَدرُ مِن طَرفٍ لَهُ راني
15. With eyelids under which lies a guard
Protecting the narcissi of Nu'man and 'Uqayl
١٥. وَأَغيدٍ دُونَهُ مِن لَحظِه خفرٌ
يَحمي شَقائقَ نعمانٍ وَعقيان
16. Never! I aspire not from his lowliness to glory
Or praise of perfection in the anthology of verse
١٦. هَيهات أَرغب عَن ذُلِّي لعزته
أَو عَن ثَنَا حسنٍ في نَظم دِيوان
17. He is the Prince whose offices
Are adorned by his flawless governance
١٧. هُوَ الأَمير الَّذي صانَت مَناصبَه
سِياسةٌ زانَها مِنهُ بإتقان
18. He has become the delineator of the realms of a great realm
On foundations of favors and benevolence
١٨. وَقَد غَدا راسِماً أَقطارَ دائرةٍ
عُظمى عَلى مُستوى يُمنٍ وإِحسان
19. He has supported truth among its virtues
With wisdom, knowledge and proof
١٩. وَأَيَّد الحَق فيها مِن فَضائله
بِحِكَمٍ وَدِراياتٍ وَبُرهان
20. He has won precedence in the racecourse of his logic
Distinguished from foolishness and nonsense
٢٠. وَفازَ بِالسَبق في مضمار منطقه
حَتّى تَميز عَن قسٍّ وَسَحبان
21. So many of his instituted policies are based
On intelligence, justice and deliberation
٢١. فَكَم لَهُ مِن تَدابيرٍ مؤسسةٍ
عَلى ذَكاءٍ وَإنصافٍ وَإمعان
22. How his sharp mind has illuminated the dark problems
With lofty opinion and superior judgment
٢٢. وَكَم أَضاءَت دَياجي المُشكلات بِما
لفكره مِن علا رَأيٍ وَرجحان
23. How many pens, white, brown and fiery tongues
Have bowed down before his resolve
٢٣. وَكَم لأقلامه بالحَزم قَد سَجدَت
بيضٌ وَسُمرٌ وَأَفواهٌ لنيران
24. How then can I rein in my praises of him
And cease spreading the scent of his glory?
٢٤. فَكَيفَ يَثني عَناني عَن مَدائحه
وَنشرِ عطرِ شَذاها في الوَرى ثاني
25. The people are unanimous in Egypt
That he is the best of mankind
٢٥. وَالناس قَد أَجمَعوا في مصر قاطِبةً
بِأَنَّهُ لِلمَعالي خَيرُ إِنسان
26. These are from his glorious qualities
Free of exaggeration and disparagement
٢٦. وَهَذِهِ مِن سَجاياه مُحبَّرةٌ
تَنزهَّت عَن مُغالاةٍ وَنُقصان
27. I present them with the hope that his generosity
Will not repay them with abandonment
٢٧. أَهدَيتُها وَرَجائي مِن مَكارمه
أَن لا يُقابلَها مِنهُ بهجران
28. For they are adorned with gems from his virtues
That match my own in their essence
٢٨. لِأَنَّها قَد تحلت مِن مَناقبه
بِجوهرٍ عقدُه ما شانَهُ شاني
29. He continues riding the steed of glory in these lands
Among comrades and brethren
٢٩. لا زالَ في هَذِهِ الأَوطان مُمتطِياً
متنَ العلا بَينَ أَصحاب وَأَخدان
30. Never did I complain in the meadows of Rawda
Yearning for his company above the branches
٣٠. ما غرّدت في نَضير الرَوض ساجِعةٌ
شَوقاً إِلى إلفِها مِن فَوق أَغصان
31. Or say, at the start of my praise poem
After union with the beautiful beloved, my life changed
٣١. أَو قُلتُ أَشكو الهَوى في بدء مدحته
عَن يانع الحُسنِ بَعدَ الوَصلِ أَلواني