
When time raises the lowly,

إذا رفع الزمان وضيع أصل

1. When time raises the lowly,
And dresses them in robes of dignity,

١. إِذا رفع الزَمان وَضيع أَصلٍ
وَأَلبَسَهُ ثِياب الاعتبار

2. Do not blame those who break their vows -
They are no men of honor.

٢. فَإِن خان العُهود فَلا تلمه
فَما هُوَ مِن رِجال الافتخار

3. Farewell to any you wish other than Him,
And look on them with eyes of disdain and contempt.

٣. وَسالم مَن أَردت سِواه وَاِنظُر
إِلَيهِ بِعَين خَفض واحتقار