
God has endowed you with the highest virtues

حباك الله بالعليا وأولى

1. God has endowed you with the highest virtues
For you are foremost in precedence

١. حَباكَ اللَه بِالعَليا وَأَولَى
فَإِنك أَنتَ بِالتقديم أَولى

2. How could honors not be presented to you
When you are clothed in robes of splendor

٢. وَأَنَّى لا تُزَفُّ لَكَ المَعالي
وَفي حلل البَهاء عَليك تُجلَى

3. O son of Ismail, you are a precious pearl
Adorning the necklace of highest rank

٣. وَإِنَّكَ يا اِبن إسماعيل درّ
بِهِ جيد الصَدارة قَد تحلَّى

4. You have attained the office of greatest minister
Your words and deeds sublime and lofty

٤. وَمنصب أَكبر الوزراء أَضحى
بِذاتك سامياً قَولاً وَفعلا

5. Tunisia now prides itself on you
Who raised you from childhood as a ward

٥. وَتونس أَصبَحَت تَزهو فَخاراً
بِصادقها الَّذي ربّاك طفلا

6. You grew up amid congratulations
Grasping knowledge in your youth and elder days

٦. فَفقت وَأَنتَ في مَهد التَهاني
بِحوز مَعارف خدنا وَكَهلا

7. The Imam drew you near him
So you became for that noble branch a root

٧. وَقرّبك الإِمام لَديهِ حَتّى
غَدا لَكَ عِندَ طيب الفرع أَصلا

8. It is meet for us to praise the Exalted One
Prince of Muslims, most eminent lord

٨. فَساغَ لَنا الثَناء عَلى المفدّى
أَمير المسلمين أَجلِّ مَولى

9. For blessings that flow upon the flock
Filling their souls with bounty

٩. عَلى نعم تَفيض عَلى الرَعايا
فَتملأ مِنهُم الأَرواح فَضلا

10. And ever immersing them in his care
With the most noble state in heart and mind

١٠. وَتَغمُر بِالذَكا مِنهُم دَواماً
بِأَشرف دَولة قَلباً وَعَقلا

11. Making them, through it, at all times
Worthy of gaining favors from Him

١١. وَتَجعلهم بِها في كُل وَقت
لإحراز المزايا منه أهلا

12. Kings praise him for following a course
Blanketing his precious lands in justice

١٢. وتحمده الملوك على سلوكٍ
كَسا أَوطانَه الغَراء عَدلا

13. Lands thank his act of blocking the gap
Thereby increasing, with equity, gains

١٣. وَتَشكُر صُنعَ سدّته بِلادٌ
بِهِ اِزدادت مَع الإِنصاف نيلا

14. They laud him, chanting of what
Oft repeated, is to you most sweet

١٤. وَتَمدحه بترتيل عَلى ما
مكرّره يَكون لَديك أَحلى

15. Live long, O greatest minister, accompanied
By fortune, thereby increasing connection

١٥. فَعش يا أَكبر الوزرا حَليفاً
لإِقبالٍ بِهِ تَزداد وَصلا

16. And support, with triumph, and with praise
Of you and in you, recited amongst people

١٦. وَتَأييد بِنَصر مَع ثَناء
عَلَيكَ وَفيكَ بَين الناس يُتلى

17. Through you foreign affairs are illuminated
And their night has been unveiled and dispelled

١٧. فَمنك الخارجية قَد أَضاءَت
وَغَيهَب لَيلها عَنها تَجلَّى

18. The financial affairs have been ordered
By you, delay therefrom has been removed

١٨. وَللمالية اِنتظمت أُمور
بِكَ التَأخير عَنها قَد تَولى

19. May God watch over you as long as Ibn Ashar
Prayed sincerely to his Lord and gave praise

١٩. رَعاكَ اللَه ما صامَ اِبن عَشرٍ
بإِخلاص لِمَولاه وَصلى

20. And as long as al-Safa sang the glory
Of Mustafa's leadership for greater purpose

٢٠. وَما قالَ الصَفا لِلمَجد أَرخ
صَدارة مُصطَفى لِلنَفع أَعلى