1. A memento for the revered mother in Egypt
With writings that bring sweet discourse to her
١. تذكار وَالدة العَزيز بِمصرهِ
كَتبٌ بها يَحلو لَدَيهِ خِطابُ
2. And pages for onlookers through their countenance
Appearing right throughout the ages
٢. وَصَحائف لِلناظرين بِوجهها
يَبدو عَلى طُول الزَمان صَواب
3. And treasures that inspire the minds of their reciters
In a garden where all arts are gathered like clouds
٣. وَنَفائس يَروى عُقول رواتها
في رَوض مَجموع الفُنون سَحاب
4. And wondrous verses that gleam though they
Are for all meanings a kernel of knowledge
٤. وَبَديع آيات تَلوح وإنها
في كُل مَعنى لِلعُلوم لُباب
5. These are the pearls whose interpretation
Makes heard the answered prayers of mothers
٥. هِيَ هَذِهِ الدُرر الَّتي في شَرحِها
يُتلى دُعاء الوالِدات مُجاب
6. Nay, these are the gifts whose date
For you, Khedive, is purity and pleasant inscription
٦. لا بَل هيَ التُحف الَّتي تاريخها
لَكَ يا خديو صَفا وَطابَ كِتاب