
My condition has changed its colors since we parted,

ما حيلتي غير الهجران ألواني

1. My condition has changed its colors since we parted,
And separation after the sweet union has changed my colors.

١. ما حيلَتي غَيَّرَ الهجرانُ أَلواني
وَالبين بَعد لَذيذ الوَصل أَلواني

2. My blamer blames me for one who shot my liver,
Unjustly, from the bow of his eyebrow and made me deaf.

٢. وَعاذِلي عاذري فيمن رمى كبدي
عَن قوس حاجبه ظُلماً فَأَصماني

3. He had sworn, when I was devoted to him,
That he would not betray, but he did not keep his oath.

٣. وَكان أَقسم لَمّا أَن صَبَوت لَهُ
أَن لا يَخون فَما أَوفى بِأيمان

4. My pact with him was that he would not boycott me
From where, in his love, he had severed my companions.

٤. وَكانَ عَهدي بِهِ أَن لا يُقاطعني
مِن حَيث في حُبِّه قاطَعت خلاني

5. So my assumption was wrong and most of my life was wasted
Between rejection, rebuke, and estrangement.

٥. فَخابَ ظَني وَعُمري ضاعَ أَكثَرُه
ما بَين صدٍّ وتَعنيفٍ وهجران

6. And I have not complained to anyone
Of my anguish, sleeplessness, pain, and sorrows.

٦. هَذا وَإِنيَ لَم أَشكو إِلى أَحَدٍ
كربي وَسُهدي وَآلامي وَأَشجاني

7. Whenever I try to comfort myself, my obstinate heart disobeys me,
A heart that found solace in it and my eyes.

٧. وَكلَّما رمتُ أَسلو لا يُطاوعني
قَلبٌ نَما وَجدُه فيهِ وَأَعياني

8. O heart, how long will you appease him and anger me,
After he has inclined to the enemy and become hostile to me?

٨. يا قَلب حتامَ ترضيه وَتغضبني
مِن بعد ما مالَ للأعدا وَعاداني

9. How foolishly do you associate others in the religion of love,
When polytheism is nothing but blasphemy and blasphemy?

٩. وَكَيفَ تشرك في دين الهَوى سَفهاً
وَالشرك لَيسَ سِوى كفر وَكفران

10. Or how can you desire the vile and the degraded,
Even if its origin is from the Abode of Peace?

١٠. أَم كَيفَ تَرغب في رِجس وَمبتذل
وَإِن يَكُن أَصلُه مِن دار رضوان

11. Is it not enough that no one loved him
Except the despicable, disgraced, and immoral?

١١. أَما كَفى أَنهُ ما ودّه أَحدٌ
إِلا ذَليلٌ مهينٌ فاسق شاني

12. Do you not see how yesterday I was deceived,
By the insensitive betrayer and treacherous villain?

١٢. أَما تَرى كَيفَ كانَت أَمسَ وَقعتُه
مَع البَليد الذَميم الخائن الجاني

13. He kept him for a month, but when his money was scarce,
He shunned him with the betrayal of a traitor and deceiver.

١٣. وَافاه شَهراً فَلَمّا قلَّ درهمُه
جَفاه جَفوة غَدّارٍ وَخوّان

14. So the despicable traitor got his just desserts
For the betrayal of kindness and favor.

١٤. فَجاءَ يَسعى بَليدُ السوء عاقبه
عَلى خِيانة مَعروفٍ وَإِحسان

15. But they dismissed him from his position for his stupidity,
Among colleagues and brethren.

١٥. لَكنهم عَزَلوه مِن سَفاهته
عَن منصب بَينَ أَقران وَأَخدان

16. As for the hypocrite, condemned, I gained nothing
From his business after the loss.

١٦. أَما المنافق مذموم فَما ربحت
مَعهُ تجارته مِن بَعد خسران

17. For they dismissed him when he partook
In sin, and Allah repays every man.

١٧. فَإنَّهم عَزَلوه حَيث شاركه
في الإثم وَاللَه يجزي كُلَّ إِنسان

18. And he will meet his wicked friend's punishment
On an inauspicious day of suffering and sorrows.

١٨. وَسَوفَ يَلقى قَرين السوء صفقتَه
في يَوم نَحس وَتنكيل وَأَحزان

19. A day he will bite his hands in regret
And become disgraced among brethren.

١٩. يَومٍ يَعض عَلى الكَفين مِن نَدَمٍ
فيهِ وَيُمسي ذَليلاً بَين إِخوان

20. If only they had heeded my advice, they would not have lost.
I did not come to them with proof.

٢٠. لَو أَنَّهُم سمعوا نصحي لَما خسروا
لَما أَتيت لَهُم فيهِ بِسُلطان

21. But they were ignorant, and the utmost ignorance
Is this disgrace among mankind and jinn.

٢١. لَكنهم جَهلوا وَالجَهلُ غايته
في هذهِ الخزي بَينَ الإنس وَالجان

22. On Judgement Day, their gossip will be rewarded
Only with rebuke, deterrence, then fire.

٢٢. وَفي القِيامة لا تجزى نَميمتهم
إِلا بزجر وَرَدع ثُمَّ نيران

23. As for the lowly, his humiliation here suffices,
And the slap among peers.

٢٣. أَما الدنيّ فتكفيهِ مذلَّتُه
وَالصفع في هذهِ ما بين أَقران

24. And the hideous attire of disgrace has clothed
May Allah protect us from disgrace and abandonment.

٢٤. وَمَسخة بِثِياب الخزي قَد كسيت
نَعوذ بِاللَه من خزي وَخذلان

25. And the snarling of hellfire is his lot after death,
Accompanying him morning and eve with a devil.

٢٥. وَالزمهرير لَهُ مِن بَعد مَيتته
يمسي وَيُصبح مَقروناً بِشَيطان