
Our era gladdened the era

عصرنا أبهج عصر

1. Our era gladdened the era
And Sa'id is the best of chests

١. عصرنا أَبهَج عَصرِ
وَسَعيدٌ خَيرُ صَدرِ

2. O here are the sons of Egypt
With his happy endeavors

٢. يا هَنا أَبناء مَصرِ
بِمساعيه السَعيدهْ

3. O here it is with the soldiers
Under these clauses

٣. يا هَناها بِالجُنودِ
تَحتَ هاتيك البُنودِ

4. So it will be honored by Sa'id
With new openings

٤. فَستحظى مِن سعيدِ
بِفتوحات جَديدهْ

5. So he is the lord of chivalry
And the Bayrami spears

٥. فَهوَ رَب المشرفيهْ
وَالرِماح السمهريهْ

6. In Haydari battles
With many victories

٦. في حروب حَيدريهْ
ذات نَصرات عَديدهْ

7. With many victories and conquests
And happiness and profits

٧. ذات نَصرات وَفَتحِ
وَسَعادات وَربحِ

8. And gestures of praise
For his unique glories

٨. وَإِشارات بِمَدحِ
لِمعاليه الفَريدهْ

9. And sustenance for the servants
From it every stream is watered

٩. وَنَوال للعبادِ
مِنهُ يَروى كُلُّ صادي

10. And meteors in jihad
For the accursed devils

١٠. وَشهاب في الجهادِ
لِلشَياطين المريدهْ

11. And prosperity for the subjects
In his Khedivial years

١١. وَسعود للرعيهْ
في سِنيه الكسرويهْ

12. With Qaysari hands
And inherited kindness

١٢. بِأَيادٍ قَيصريهْ
وَمبرات تَليدهْ

13. From his father lord of Egypt
Who protected it in hardship

١٣. عَن أَبيه رب مَصرِ
مَن حَماها يَوم عسرِ

14. With the flames of straw and coal
From its annihilated enemies

١٤. بِلظى طوبٍ وَجمرِ
مِن أَعاديها المبيدهْ

15. O his happy patron
The owner of the right opinion

١٥. يا لَمَولاها السَعيدِ
صاحب الرَأي السَديدِ

16. A supporter of the soldiers
In severe adversities

١٦. مِن نَصير لِلجنودِ
في الملمات الشَديدهْ

17. What are his skills in war
Against strong enemies

١٧. ما لَهُ في الحَرب نَبوَهْ
عَن عداة ذات قوّهْ

18. As he is from the people of horsemanship
And well-ordered plans

١٨. وَهوَ مِن أَهل الفتوَّهْ
وَالتَراتيب الرَشيدهْ

19. Can anyone compete with him
In the battlefields of pride

١٩. هَل يُباريه مباري
في مَيادين الفَخارِ

20. As he wades into the dust
A warrior overwhelming the routed

٢٠. وَهوَ في خَوض الغبارِ
قسور يردي طريدهْ

21. Does he have on the day of regiments
Between horsemen and infantry

٢١. هَل لَهُ يَوم الجحافلْ
بَينَ خَيال وَراجلْ

22. A peer or a parallel
In facing a prepared people

٢٢. مِن نظير أَو مماثلْ
في لقا قَوم عَتيدهْ

23. Does he have in the age a second
Or does he have in Egypt a parallel

٢٣. هَل لَهُ في العَصر ثاني
أَم لَهُ في مَصر شاني

24. As he rages in the battlefield
Reaping the enemies as harvest

٢٤. وَهوَ في الهَيجا يماني
يَحصد الأعدا حَصيدهْ

25. How many ships by steam
Met the tide of seas

٢٥. كَم جوارٍ بِالبخارِ
قابلت مَوج البحارِ

26. And embarked from the best abode
Toward faraway lands

٢٦. وَانتحت مِن خَير دارِ
نَحو أَقطار بَعيدهْ

27. How much the engineer relieved
The distress of armies

٢٧. كَم بِأَخبار المُهندسْ
نَفَّس الكَربَ منفِّسْ

28. For the founder
With beneficial deeds

٢٨. عَن جُيوش لِلمؤسسْ
ذات أَعمال مُفيدهْ

29. How much on the bridge of Koubry
He marched belittling Tobgy

٢٩. كَم عَلى جسر الكبورجي
سارَ ازدرها وَطوبجي

30. And over it passed Orgy
On foot reciting his masterpiece

٣٠. وَعَلَيهِ مَرَّ أوجي
راجِلاً يَتلو عَميدهْ

31. How much against the African messengers
He subjugated the evil of Yuljy

٣١. كَم عَن السفّار زنجي
صدّ قَهراً شرَّ يولجي

32. And threw in the path of Hajj
Who transgressed with his deceit

٣٢. وَرَمى في دَرب حجِ
مِن تَعدى بِمكيدهْ

33. How much on the back of the saddlebags
He awakened the towering Borjgy

٣٣. كَم عَلى مَتن السُروجِ
أَيقَظ الزرخ البروجي

34. So it hastened toward the towers
To ascend until it hunts it

٣٤. فَسَعَت نَحوَ البُروج
لِلعُلا حَتّى تَصيدهْ

35. How much the Doudoukji in order
Shouted on the day of veneration

٣٥. كَم دُودُكْجي بانتظامِ
صاح في يَوم احتشامِ

36. With the Tarantanjy tent
Between erected walls

٣٦. مَع تَرَنْبَتْجي الخيامِ
بَينَ أَسوارٍ مشيدهْ

37. How much at times of celebration
For the musicians, songs

٣٧. كَم بِأَوقات التَهاني
لِلمُوَيَسّيقى أَغاني

38. In the youthfulness of time
With meanings like pearls

٣٨. في ثَنا صَدر الزَمانِ
بِمَعان كَالخريدهْ

39. The truth supported its integrity
And irrigated its country with rain

٣٩. أَيد الحَق سَدادَهْ
وَسَقى الغَيث بِلادَهْ

40. And endowed it with happiness
In its extended nights

٤٠. وَحَباه بِالسَعادهْ
في لَياليه المَديدهْ

41. And the days of his bright son blossomed
The preserved foal of his origin

٤١. وَزَهَت أَيامُ نَجلِهْ
طوسنِ المَحفوظِ شبلِهْ

42. Whom he clothed in the garb
Of sublime virtue

٤٢. مَن كَساهُ طيبَ أَصلِهْ
حلَّةَ الفَضل الحَميدهْ

43. What we mentioned in supplication
With ranks in procession

٤٣. ما ذكرنا في الدعاءِ
مع صفوف في الحذاءِ

44. A band chanting at the call
With delight and belief

٤٤. جوق يشا عِندَ النِداءِ
بابتهاج وَعقيدهْ

45. Or tomorrow reciting my words
For the Khedive, every word

٤٥. أَو غَدا يُنشد قَولي
لِلخديوي كُلُّ قَولِ

46. So he rewards him with length
Serving Egypt, his slaves

٤٦. فيجازيه بِطَولِ
عمّ في مَصرٍ عَبيدَهْ

47. May God increase his majesty
And beauty and perfection

٤٧. زاده الله جلالا
وبهاءً وكمالا

48. And exaltation and balance
After an ode extended his glory

٤٨. وَعلوّاً وَاِعتَدَلا
ما تَلا مَجدي قَصيدهْ