
The days of your misery, O worst of men, are close

أيام بؤسك يا شر الأنام دنت

1. The days of your misery, O worst of men, are close
And isolation will undoubtedly come to you

١. أَيام بُؤسك يا شَرّ الأَنام دَنَت
وَالعَزل يَأتي بِلا شَكٍّ يُوافيكا

2. And in the last days of Shawwal, your bliss will not
Remain, and the arrows of death pierce you

٢. وَفي أَواخر شَوالٍ نَعيمك لا
يَبقى وَسَهم المَنايا نافذ فيكا

3. And you will plunge for what you did in Hell
With all who were intimate with you in the world

٣. وَسَوفَ تَهوي بِما قَدمت في سَقرٍ
مَع كُل مَن كانَ في الدُنيا يُصافيكا

4. So cut off your hopes from money and children
And from those who used to be intimate with you

٤. فَاِقطَع رَجاءَك مِن مال وَمِن وَلَد
وَمِنكانَت تجافيكا

5. And lament your youth in the month of fasting, for nothing
Will come to you on the day of Eid sufficient for you

٥. وَاندب شَبابك في شَهر الصِيام فَما
يَأتيك في يَوم عيد الفطر كافيكا

6. That was indicated by a true dream
From one knowledgeable, who shows people your secrets

٦. دلت عَلى ذاك رُؤيا وَهيَ صادِقَةٌ
مِن عارف مُظهر لِلناس خافيكا