
The delicacy of praise softened the harshness of the poet's composition

راق المديح ورق نظم الناظم

1. The delicacy of praise softened the harshness of the poet's composition
In the state of the courageous established king

١. راقَ المَديح وَرق نَظم الناظمِ
في دَولة الملك الخَطير القائمِ

2. The success of Egypt, her spirit and her supporter
Forever against whoever was not peaceful

٢. تَوفيق مَصر وَروحها وَنصيرها
أَبدا عَلى مَن لَم يَكُن بِمسالم

3. May his glory last, and his influence endure
In her kingdom, for the duration of this world

٣. دامَت مَعاليه وَدامَ نُفوذه
في مُلكِها بِدَوام هَذا العالم

4. For he has clothed her in the garment of security in which
He established for her pillars and foundations

٤. فَلَقَد كَساها حلة الأَمن الَّذي
ثَبتت لَهُ فيها أُصول دَعائم

5. Where he chose from her people in his righteousness
Every wise and resolute person to rule her

٥. حَيث اِجتَبى مِن أَهلِها بِسَداده
لِلحكم فيها كُلَّ شَهم حازم

6. And he appointed the best of her sons
To oversee impartial justice that destroys the unjust

٦. وَاِختار فَخري وَهوَ مِن أَبنائِها
لِنظارة العَدل المبيد لظالم

7. And endowed him with ranks that in themselves
Become more prideful with the learned minister

٧. وَحَباه بِالرتب الَّتي في نَفسها
تَزداد فَخراً بِالوَزير العالم

8. O son of he who led the armies and guided them
With valor that subdued all opponents

٨. يا اِبن الَّذي ساس الجُنود وَقادَها
بِشَهامة أَودَت بِكُل مزاحم

9. O you who was born in the happiest of births
For the sciences of management and deterring adversaries

٩. يا مَن صَبا في مَهد أَسعَد مَولد
لِعُلوم تَدبير وَرَدع مخاصم

10. And came with what the predecessors could not achieve
In excellence of organization and justice of courts

١٠. وَأَتى بِما لَم تستطعه أَوائل
في حسن تَرتيب وَنَظم محاكم

11. And by him integrity was established on the path of honesty
For whoever did not rule with rejection of injustice

١١. وَبِهِ اِستَقام عَلى صِراط أَمانة
مَن كانَ لا يَقضي بردّ مظالم

12. I give you glad tidings of the ranks whose insignia
Appears on the chest of politics and compassion

١٢. بشراك بِالرتب الَّتي نيشانها
يَبدو بِصدر سِياسة وَمَراحم

13. I have not ceased to be clothed in robes of happiness
As long as the full moon shone in the sky of virtues

١٣. لا زلت في حلل السَعادة رافِلاً
ما لاحَ بَدر في سَماء مَكارم

14. Or praise was pleasing in your exalted state
With its success that revives the features of glories

١٤. أَو طابَ مَدح في علاك بِدَولة
تَوفيقها يُحيي رُسوم معالم

15. Or Majdi said in delight chronicling
Your superiority in lasting justice and perpetual glory

١٥. أَو قال مَجدي في الهَناء مؤرِّخاً
فَخري علا في عَدل مجد دائِمي