
Your servant Majdi from a faraway land

غلامك مجدي من بلاد بعيدة

1. Your servant Majdi from a faraway land
Perhaps to your excellence he has presented a wonderful eulogy

١. غُلامك مَجدي مِن بِلاد بَعيدة
لِعلياك قَد أَهدى بَديع مَديحِ

2. And congratulated the highest rank that you are worthy of
With an ancient verse speaking the truth

٢. وَهنَّأ أَعلى رُتبة أَنتَ أَهلُها
بِبَيت قَديمٍ ناطقٍ بِصَحيحِ

3. So he said defying the enemies inspired:
By it joyfully to the Advisor straightforward

٣. فَقال عَلى رَغم العِدا متمثلاً
بِهِ في هَناءٍ للمشير صريح

4. Your position is too high to be described
By eloquent rhetoric or an eloquent tongue

٤. مَقامُك أَعلى أَن يَقوم بِوَصفه
بَيان بَليغٍ أَو لِسانُ فَصيح

5. So from it accept, may God increase your elevation
The congratulations of a servant loyal to advice

٥. فمنه تَقبل زادك اللَه رفعةً
تَهاني غلام مُخلص لنصيح

6. And encourage him in education from you with elevation
According to an opinion from your excellence successful

٦. وَشَجِّعه في التَعليم مِنكَ برفعة
عَلى وَفق رأيٍ مِن عُلاك نَجيح

7. That, my master, is care from you
For a student seeking knowledge far from his family

٧. فَذَلِكَ يا مَولاي مِنكَ عِنايةٌ
لِطالب علم عن ذَويه نَزيح