
They claimed that chivalry has vanished

ذهبوا إلى أن المروءة أصبحت

1. They claimed that chivalry has vanished
Under ruins, rubble, and debris

١. ذَهَبوا إِلى أَن المُروءة أَصبَحَت
تَحتَ الثَرى وَالرَدمِ وَالأَطلالِ

2. I replied, desist, your words
Are void of details and abstraction

٢. فَأَجبتهم كفوا فَإِنَّ مَقالَكُم
خال عَن التَفصيل وَالإِجمال

3. Verify that chivalry has shone
With the lights of its noble Hussein

٣. وَتَحققوا أَن المُروءة أَشرَقَت
أَنوارها بِحسينها المِفضال

4. Lord of generosity, skill, intelligence
Opinion, management, and veneration

٤. رَب السَماحة وَالمَهارة وَالذَكا
وَالرَأي وَالتَدبير وَالإِجلال

5. Ocean of politics, discretion, loyalty
Knowledge, cognition, and actions

٥. بَحر السِياسة وَالكياسة وَالوَفا
وَالعلم وَالعرفان وَالأَعمال

6. When did you hear or see that it
Was afflicted by any horrors

٦. وَمَتى سَمعتم أَو رَأَيتم أَنَّهُ
قَد نالَها هَولٌ مِن الأَهوال

7. And Hussein who nurtures its covenant and protects it
From the injustice of time severing joints

٧. وَحسين يَرعى عَهدَها وَيجيرها
مِن ظُلم دَهر قاطع الأَوصال

8. And defends its children with passion
Coupled with might and fondness

٨. وَيذب عَن أَبنائها بِحَماسةٍ
مَقرونةٍ بِالعز وَالإدلال

9. And the rain of his gifts pours in its land
So the severity of impossibility disappears from it

٩. وَيَفيض غَيث نَواله في أَرضها
فَيَزول عَنهُ شدة الإِمحال

10. And he generously bestows ample money and dew
Upon all its youths and babies

١٠. وَيَجود بِالمال الجَزيل وَبِالندى
لِجَميع صبيتها مَع الانجال

11. And when he calls for a united stand you find him
Resolute in determination, steadfast in words

١١. وَإِذا دَعَى لملمةٍ أَلفيتَه
ماضي العَزيمة ثابتَ الأَقوال

12. And he has the rule from his father and uncle
The lion of wars and knight of champions

١٢. وَلَهُ الإِمارة عَن أَبيه وَخاله
لَيث الحُروب وَفارس الأَبطال

13. With his famed understanding he became singular
Among all creation in all conditions

١٣. وَبفهمه المَشهور أَضحى مُفرداً
بَينَ الوَرى في سائر الأَحوال

14. With the beauty of his speech and eloquence of his address
He dispels the clouds of problems

١٤. وَبحسن منطقه وَفصل خِطابه
يَنجاب غَيم سَحائب الإشكال

15. With the uprightness of his approach and conduct
In his diverse and varied rule

١٥. وَبلطف منهجه القَويم وَسيره
في حكمه المتنوّع الأَشكال

16. The loftiness of his ambition and pleasantness of his discourse
Adorned with signs and proverbs

١٦. وَعلوّ همته وَطيب حديثه ال
مشحون بالآيات وَالأَمثال

17. The ethics of merit are revived after their demise
And their splendor returns with celebrations

١٧. تَحيا رُسوم الفَضل بَعدَ فَنائِها
وَتَعود بِهجَتِها مَع الأحفال

18. May God protect him and elevate his worth
And support him with victory and acceptance

١٨. فَاللَه يَحفظه وَيَرفع قَدره
وَيمدّه بِالنَصر وَالإقبال

19. And increase his patience and penetrating wisdom
And foresight, valor, and intrepidity

١٩. وَيَزيده حلماً وَفهماً ثاقِباً
وَفَراسة وَشَهامة الرئبال

20. And awe, tranquility, decency
And attainment of hopes and truth of speech

٢٠. وَمَهابة وَسَكينة وَنجابة
وَبُلوغ مَأمول وَصدق مَقال

21. And courage, prosperity with policy
And safekeeping, and also commendable traits

٢١. وَشَجاعة وَسَعادة بِسياسة
وَصِيانة وَكَذا حَميد خِصال

22. Like planets that shone in the horizon of knowledge
And the full moon illuminated the sky of perfection

٢٢. ما لاحَ في أُفق العُلوم كَواكبٌ
وَأَضاءَ بَدر في سَماء كَمال

23. May He perpetuate his delight and support his glory
And bestow on him His endless grace

٢٣. وَأَدام بَهجته وَأَيد مَجده
وَعَلَيهِ أَسبغ فَضله المُتوالي