1. Time looked with blind eyes,
At the son of a wicked woman, lifeless among the living,
١. نَظَر الزَمان بِمقلةٍ عَمياءِ
لابن اللئيمة مَيّت الأَحياءِ
2. The well-known mute, more evil than whoever walked
Proudly among the people on the dust,
٢. الأَبكم المَعروف أَخبَث مَن مَشى
في الناس مُختالاً عَلى الغَبراء
3. The house of misguidance, brother of treachery and betrayal,
Pillar of corruption and plague of the poor,
٣. بَيت الضَلال أَخو الخيانة وَالخَنى
ركن الفَساد وَنكبة الفُقراء
4. Love of money is his religion so his prayers
Are for it to remain morning and evening.
٤. حبّ الدَراهم دينُهُ فصلاته
لِبَقائها في صبحه وَمَساء
5. Laughed at him the world so his happiness increased
And soon he will cry from the painful distress,
٥. ضحكت لَهُ الدُنيا فَزادَ سُرورُه
وَلَسوفَ يَبكي مِن أَليم عَناء
6. And with his hands he will bite from regret over
The betrayal of nights after goodness and loyalty.
٦. وَعَلى يَديه يَعضُّ مِن أَسَفٍ عَلى
غَدر اللَيالي بَعد حُسن وَفاء
7. So I say at his affliction or death:
Oh what a meaningless mind came in the foolish!
٧. فَأَقول عِندَ مَصابه أَو ما تَعي
يا غرّ مَعنى جاءَ في السَفهاء
8. Until when they rejoiced at what they were given in the morning
They were seized at night, intense darkness.
٨. حَتّى إِذا فَرِحوا بِما أُوتوا ضَحىً
أُخِذوا بِلَيلٍ حالك الظَلماء
9. Oh son of stupidity, how much you raced foolishly
The horses of your ignorance in the land of hatred,
٩. يا ابن الغَبية كَم ركضتَ حَماقةً
أَفراسَ جَهلك في رُبى البَغضاء
10. And you strived in gaining highness with harm
So you dared where you fell into misery,
١٠. وَسَعيت في كسب المَعالي بِالأَذى
فَجسرتَ حَيث وَقعت في الضَرّاء
11. This is from the world your share so wait for
The day of judgement, punishment of the stingy,
١١. هَذا مِن الدُنيا نَصيبك فَاِنتَظر
يَوم القِيامة صَفقة البُخَلاء
12. And know that Allah is not unaware
Of cutting off the ties of a sinful slanderer.
١٢. وَاِعلَم بِأَن اللَه لَيسَ بِغافل
عَن قَطع دابر آثمٍ وَمُرائي
13. For good a disabled, transgressive,
With gossip coming between people walking around.
١٣. لِلخَير مَناع عُتُلٌّ معتدٍ
بِنميمة بَينَ الوَرى مَشّاء
14. With anger dead, so destiny came down
And effort lost and every hope failed.
١٤. بِالغَيظ مُت كَمداً فَقَد نَزَل القَضا
وَالسَعي ضلّ وَخابَ كُل رَجاء
15. And for us Allah answered our prayers against you
With evil since He is most merciful of the merciful.
١٥. وَلَنا اِستَجاب اللَه فيك دُعاءَنا
بِالشرّ إذ هو أَرحم الرُحَماء
16. They dismissed you from the door of presidency when
They knew you have evil opinions.
١٦. طَردوك عَن باب الرِياسة عِندَما
عَلِموا بِأَنك سَيّئ الآراء
17. Far-fetched you attain wishes among people
With tossing and turning like snakes.
١٧. هَيهات تَظفر بِالمُنى بَينَ الوَرى
بِتَقلُّبٍ كَتَقلُّب الحرباء
18. So take off the dress of knowledge from you conclusively
The state witnessed you are most ignorant of the ignorant.
١٨. فَاِخلَع لِباس العلم عَنكَ بِدَولة
شَهدت بِأَنك أَجهَلُ الجُهَلاء
19. And mourn an era you were in it hiding
Stupidity with clothes of beauty.
١٩. وَاندب زَماناً كُنتَ فيهِ مُوارياً
لِغباوة بِمَلابس حَسناء
20. From where is competence for you and on you
Is confusion of all things.
٢٠. مِن أَين للتَرتيب فيكَ لياقة
وَعَليكَ تَعجم سائر الأَشياء
21. How do you claim what you are not, you are virtuous
And the truth came and every ambiguity disappeared.
٢١. كَم تَدعي لا كُنت أَنكَ فاضل
وَالحَق جاءَ وَزَالَ كُل خَفاء
22. And you became at the test like vapid
Your forehead sweated on a winter day.
٢٢. وَغَدَوت عندَ الامتحان كَباقلٍ
عَرقت جَبينك في نَهار شِتاء
23. And you wasted your life in uselessness foolishly
And claimed that you won the supreme.
٢٣. وَصرفت عمرك في الفضول سَفاهة
وَزَعمت أَنكَ فزت بِالعَلياء
24. And you attributed yourself falsely to knowledge
And made your eye with us as if clever.
٢٤. وَنسبت نفسك لِلمَعارف باطِلاً
وَجَعلت عَينك عِندَنا كَذَكاء
25. And you remained in the house of knowledge but you
Knew of it nothing except the names.
٢٥. وَلَبثت في دار العُلوم فَلَم تَكُن
تَدري بِها شيأً سِوى الأَسماء
26. What pride in earning provision and stealing it
Unjustly from the weak and poor,
٢٦. ما الفَخر في كسب النَوال وَسَلبه
ظلماً مِن العافين وَالضُعَفاء
27. And the hardship in increasing it while its outcome
Is to an effeminate and sickly adulteress.
٢٧. وَالكدّ في تَكثيره ومآله
لمخنث وَسقيمة عَوراء
28. And asceticism in obligating fasting for suspicion
In religion from ignorance without temptation,
٢٨. وَالزُهد في فَرض الصِيام لريبة
في الدين من جَهل بِلا إِغراء
29. And defaming the honorable messengers and their companions,
The loyal, masters, upright.
٢٩. وَالقَدح في الرسل الكِرام وَصحبهم
أَهل الوَفاء السادة الحُنَفاء
30. And leaning away from the Sunnah of prayers and its obligation,
And Hajj when volunteering with consent.
٣٠. وَالمَيل عَن سِنَن الصلاة وَفَرضها
وَالحَج عِندَ تَطوّع برضاء
31. And seriousness in condemning Zakat and its ugliness
From fear of immediate poverty and affliction,
٣١. والجدّ في ذم الزَكاة وقبحها
مِن خَوف فَقر عاجل وَبَلاء
32. And refraining from washing Janabah as
It is obligatory legally without contention,
٣٢. وَالكَف عَن غَسل الجَنابة حَسبما
هُوَ واجبٌ شَرعاً بِغَير مراء
33. And attributing creation and it is misguidance
To fate from understanding prisoner of stupidity,
٣٣. وَإضافة التَكوين وَهيَ ضَلالة
لِلدَهر مِن فهم أَسير غَباء
34. And disbelief in the Most Merciful, His majesty,
And denial of what He bestowed of blessings.
٣٤. وَالكفر بِالرَحمن جَل جَلاله
وَجَحود ما أَسداه مِن نَعماء
35. May your mother lose you, but pride of a young man
Is in aiding the anxious at the call,
٣٥. ثَكَلتك أُمك إِنَّما فَخر الفَتى
بِإِغاثة المَلهوف عِند نداء
36. And righteousness, O blind, with your wretched father
Despite he is of the most wicked villains,
٣٦. وَالبر يا أَعمى بِوالدك الشَقي
مَع أَنَّهُ مِن ألأم اللؤماء
37. And your ominous mother, ugly face, who
Was known as mother of the most loose indecent,
٣٧. وَبأمك المشؤومة الوَجه الَّتي
عُرفت بأَم الألكن الزلاء
38. And an aunt you have that became famous
Amongst women as the most loose liar,
٣٨. وَبعمةٍ لك أَصبحت مَشهورة
بَينَ النِسا بِالمرأة الفَدعاء
39. And a sister that becomes evening and morning in winter
Under dew, humidity and clouds,
٣٩. وَشَقيقة تُمسي وَتُصبح في الشِتا
تَحتَ النَدى وَالطل وَالأَنواء
40. And an infant crying with pouring tears
Over her cheeks because of cutting off nutrition.
٤٠. وَطفيلة تَبكي بِدَمع هاطل
فَوقَ الخُدود لِقَطع حَبل غِذاء
41. And striving in seeking the pleasure of the Creator
Who flooded the world with clouds of blessings,
٤١. وَالسَعي في طَلَب الرَضا مِن خالق
غَمر الوَرى بِسَحائب الآلاء
42. And hoping intercession of Ahmed treasure of gifts
Eradicating all polytheism with piety,
٤٢. وَرِجا شَفاعة أَحمدٍ كنزُ العَطا
مفني جَميع الشرك بِالتَقواء
43. And commanding good without arrogance
And forbidding evil and adultery,
٤٣. وَالأَمر بِالمَعروف لا بتكبر
وَالنَهي عَن نُكر وَفعل زِناء
44. And justice between family and womb relative which
The Chosen ordered in the news,
٤٤. وَالعَدل بَين الأَهل والرحم الَّذي
أَوصى بِهِ المُختار في الأَنباء
45. And distancing from orphan wealth and eating it
With falsehood a cureless evil,
٤٥. وَالبُعد عَن مال اليَتيم وَأَكله
بِالزور مِن شَرِهٍ عَديم دَواء
46. And chastity, trust and friendship
Mixed with humility and shyness,
٤٦. وَبعفة وَأَمانة وَصَداقة
مَمزوجة بِتَواضع وَحَياء
47. And self-restraint from its desires
And transgression forever from foolishness,
٤٧. وَصِيانة لِلنَفس عَن شَهواتها
وَجُموحها أَبداً عن الصَهباء
48. And avoidance of gambling which He forbade
And distancing from all desires,
٤٨. وَتَجنب عَن ميسر عَنه نَهى
وَتَباعدٍ عَن سائر الأَهواء
49. And testifying to the truth - benefits a day in which
No son ransoms a father with redemption,
٤٩. وَشَهادة بِالحَق تَنفع يَوم لا
وَلدٌ يَجود لِوالد بِفداء
50. And comprehension in religion saves tomorrow
From what tears apart the perfect limbs,
٥٠. وَتَفقه في الدين يُنجي في غد
مِما يمزق كامل الأَعضاء
51. And beauty with noble traits and generosity
And love of neighbor and hosts,
٥١. وَتجمل بِالمكرمات وَبِالنَدى
وَمَحبة للجار وَالنُزَلاء
52. And loyalty to promise of God and His creation
And fulfillment of promise without breach,
٥٢. وَوَفا بِعَهد للإله وَخلقه
وَنَجاز وَعَدهم بِلا إِغضاء
53. And visiting the sick with good affection
And frequenting from afternoon to dinner,
٥٣. وَعِيادة المَرضى بِحسن تَودّد
وَتَردّد مِن ضَحوة لِعشاء
54. And walking behind a funeral voluntarily
Not from blaming of criticizing dispraiser,
٥٤. وَالمَشي خَلف جَنازة بِتَطوّع
لا من مُلامة لائم هجّاء
55. And enmity to atheists and support
For the religion with Muhammad during meeting,
٥٥. وَعَداوةٍ لِلملحدين وَنصرة
بِمهند للدين عِندَ لِقاء
56. This is the matter which none of the rabbis and jurists
Disapproved of in it.
٥٦. هَذا هُوَ الأَمر الَّذي ما عابه
أَحد مِن الأَحبار وَالفُقَهاء
57. So look to a mirror of smooth poetry
Which nothing of the times reached it,
٥٧. فَاِنظر إِلى مرآة شِعرٍ رائق
ما نالَها شَيء مِن الأَصداء
58. In order for you to find in front of you an appearance
In distortion which wore filth and sins,
٥٨. كَيما بِها تَلقى أَمامك سحنة
بِالمَسخ قَد كسيت وَبِالأقذاء
59. And swear you will stop from sedition
And lowness transmitted from a wicked.
٥٩. وَاحلف بِانك تَنتَهي عَن فتنة
وَدَناءة مَنقولة عَن رائي
60. And perhaps you break the oath so I
Am to you a calamity in all parts.
٦٠. وَعَساك تَحنث في اليَمين فَإِنني
لَكَ آفة في سائر الأَنحاء
61. I will show you verses which the horror of it
Grows white hair to al-Waleed in a gray night,
٦١. فَأريك أَبياتاً يَشيب لَهولِها
رَأس الوَليد بَليلة شَهباء
62. And I say from eagerness to dispraise you and satirize:
Die O ignorant fearing dignitaries,
٦٢. وَأَقول مِن شغف بذمك وَالهِجا
مت يا جَهول مَخافة الرقباء
63. And cut off your hope from presidency and start crying
Over its aversion O most wicked of wickedness.
٦٣. وَاِقطَع رَجاك مِن الرِياسة وَاِنتَحب
لِنفورها يا أَخبث الخُبَثاء
64. The cover is removed from the truth so be content
And listen to advice of an advisor in purity.
٦٤. كُشف الغِطاء عَن الحَقيقة فَاقتصر
وَاِسمَع نَصيحة ناصحٍ بِصَفاء
65. Live with friendship between masters of glory
And leave gossip in protection of rulers.
٦٥. عش بِالصَداقة بَينَ أَرباب الحجا
وَدَع النَميمة في حمى الأَمراء
66. And wear clothes of humility and humbleness
And conceal the mask of arrogance like the reasonable.
٦٦. وَالبس ثِياب تَواضع وَتَخضُّعٍ
وَأَمط قِناع الكبر كَالعقلاء
67. And thank the benefaction of a benefactor
They are all good in ease and hardship.
٦٧. وَاشكر صَنيعة محسن متفضل
أَولاك كُل الخَير في السَرّاء
68. And seek pleasure of this prince and his pardon
For he is most deserving of praise from people.
٦٨. وَاِطلُب رضا هَذا الأَمير وَعَفوه
فَهُوَ الجَدير لَدى الوَرى بِثَناء
69. Did he deserve in your view from his effort
What was of hatred and immense disloyalty?
٦٩. هَل كانَ عِندَك يَستَحق بِسَعيه
ما كانَ مِن بُغض وَفَرط جَفاء
70. And remove robes of flattery, they are
Connected with humiliation and misery.
٧٠. وَاِنزَع جَلابيب التَمَلُّق إِنَّها
مَقرونة بِتذلل وَشَقاء
71. And reconcile relatives O fool perhaps
One of the weak will benefit from some prayer.
٧١. وَصل الأَقارب يا سَفيه فَرُبَّما
وَاساك عاجزهم ببعض دُعاء
72. And cut ties of stinginess and break its covenant
For stinginess in a person is the ugliest disease,
٧٢. وَاِقطَع حِبال البخل وَاِنقض عَهده
فَالبُخل في الإِنسان أَقبَح داء
73. And untie the bond of hatred and evil which
They tied for it in dispraise every banner.
٧٣. وَاحلل رِباط الحقد وَالشَرهِ الَّذي
عقدوا له في القَدح كُلَّ لِواء
74. And extend the register to change yourself and straighten
And spread the sails of your ship like generous.
٧٤. وَاطو السجل لغيّ نَفسك وَاستقم
وَاِنشُر شِراع قراك كَالكرماء
75. If you are guided and do not oppose an advisor
You become in safety and abundant bliss.
٧٥. فَلَئن هُديت وَلم تُخالف ناصِحاً
أَصبَحت في أَمن وَفَرط هَناء
76. And if you insist on your misdeeds which
You made notorious with porters and foreigners,
٧٦. وَلَئن عَكَفت عَلى مَساويك الَّتي
شهرت لَدى القطان وَالغرباء
77. And you made yourself a companion of disgrace
For sake of temporary vanishing money,
٧٧. وَجَعلت نَفسك لِلهَوان قَرينة
مِن أَجل مال قابل لِفَناء
78. Then envy an orphaned Arabic idea
That spoke with what is most honorable on necklaces.
٧٨. فاحسد يَتيمة فكرة عَربية
نَطقت بِما أَربى عَلى الجَوزاء
79. For how much you oppose me and I divert my attention
From you out of disdain not fear of penalty,
٧٩. فَلَكَم تَعاديني وَأصرف هِمَتي
عَنكَ اِحتِقاراً لا لِخَوف جَزاء
80. And for how much I turn a blind eye to you graciously
From me but you do not increase except alienation,
٨٠. وَلَكَم أَغضُّ الطَرف عَنكَ سَماحة
مِني فَما تَزداد غَير تَنائي
81. Until it appeared to me that dispraising you is a duty
In doctrine of masters and the virtuous.
٨١. حَتّى بَدا لي أَن ذمك واجب
في مَذهب السادات وَالفضلاء
82. So get angry if you wish and distance pleasure
Evilly for I am most generous of peers.
٨٢. فَاِغضَب إِذا ما شئت وَاعتزل الرضا
لُؤماً فَإني أَكرم الأَكفاء
83. And unleash yourself in fields of sorrow
And attack me with all opponents.
٨٣. وَاِطلق عَنانك في مَيادين الأَسى
وَاحمل عَليّ بِسائر الخُصماء
84. And shoot arrows to a lethal fighter
Who did not care for high ground or lowland.
٨٤. وَارم النِبال إِلى مقاتل ضَيغم
لَم يَكتَرث بِالصَعدة السَمراء
85. And plot, betray, transgress, and challenge if you are
The day of hatred a knight of excitement.
٨٥. وَامكُر وخن وَاغدر وبارز إن تَكن
يَوم الكَريهة فارس الهَيجاء
86. And say one word in a gathering
So you can count yourself among the eloquent.
٨٦. وَاِنطق بِحَرف واحد في مَحفل
كَيما تعدّ به مِن الفَصحاء
87. And understand the reality of what is said in a council
If you are counted from the perceptive.
٨٧. وَاِفَهم حَقيقة ما يقال بمجلس
إِن كُنت مَعدوداً مِن النَبهاء
88. And light the match of opinion if you are a man
Known for decisiveness with the wise.
٨٨. وَاِقدَح زِناد الرَأي إِن كُنتَ امرأً
بِالحَزم مَعروفاً لَدى الحُكَماء
89. And pitch tents of advice in land of prohibition
If you are in Egypt from the advisors.
٨٩. وَاضرب خِيام النُصح في أَرض النُهى
إِن كُنت في مَصر مِن النُصَحاء
90. And defeat the armies of ignorance if you are who
For knowledge in the world from the allies.
٩٠. وَاهزم جُيوش الجَهل إِن كُنت الَّذي
لِلعلم في الدُنيا مِن الحُلَفاء
91. And explain to us your constant deceitful works
Which you always relapse from it in evil rags.
٩١. وَاِشرَح لَنا أَعمال غش لَم تَزَل
متردّيا مِنها بشرّ رِداء
92. And keep with the children your tablet and abide
By order of the teacher, yes you and the knowledgeable!
٩٢. وَاِحفَظ مَع الأَطفال لَوحَك وَاِمتثل
أَمر المؤدّب وَيك وَالعرفاء
93. And know your status in lands you were not
In it except like the black darkness.
٩٣. وَاعرف مَقامك في دِيار لَم تَكُن
فيها سِوى كالظلمة السَوداء
94. And descend to the field of Arabic youths
Who knew the times with the noble.
٩٤. وَاِنزل بِساحة فتية عَربية
عَرَفوا مَدى الأَزمان بِالنَجباء
95. In them no flaw except their knowledge
And their entry into the group of eloquent speakers.
٩٥. ما فيهم عَيب سِوى عرفانهم
وَدُخولهم في زُمرة البُلَغاء
96. And their riding the horse of ascendance with knowledge
Egyptian which counted beyond enumeration.
٩٦. وَرُكوبهم مَتن العُلا بِمَعارف
مَصرية جلّت عَن الاحصاء
97. First, leave me O fool as you see
I make you deaf by my satire arrow.
٩٧. أَولا فَدَعني يا غَبيّ كَما تَرى
أَصميك من نَظمي بِسَهم هِجاء
98. And fix your nape for the whip of every humiliation
Until you die the stranglehold of the covetous.
٩٨. وَاصلح قَفاك لِسَوط كُلِّ مَذَلة
حَتّى تَموت بغصة الحرصاء
99. And I will follow you in brief and detail
For you to taste the bitterness of prose.
٩٩. وَسأَقتفيك بِمجملٍ وَمفصَّلٍ
لِتذوق طَعم مَرارة الإِنشاء
100. And upon you if they make it endowment, they came to them
With truth a signature from the scholars.
١٠٠. وَعَليك إن جَعَلوه وَقفاً جاءهم
بِالصدق تَوقيعٌ مِن العُلَماء
101. So be patient of lampoon which appears as if
A full moon its lights grew with sky.
١٠١. فاصبر عَلى هَجو يَلوح كَأَنَّهُ
بَدر نَمَت أَنواره بِسَماء
102. And beware enmity of the groups of passions
You fear them in darkness and light.
١٠٢. وَاحذر عَداوة مَعشر زُمر الهَوى
تَخشاهم في ظُلمة وَضِياء
103. For they are novelty with rhetoric and their speech
In poetry silenced the love-sick.
١٠٣. فهم البَديع مَع البَيان وَنطقهم
بالشعر أَخرس ناطق الغرماء
104. And be disappointed for I have recited in you documenting,
O bastard I guide the poets.
١٠٤. وَاخسأ فَقَد أَنشدت فيكَ مؤرّخا
يا ألكناً أَنا أَرشد الشُعَراء