
How many hands has the noble Prophet extended

كم للنبيه على البرية من يد

1. How many hands has the noble Prophet extended
To the needy across the land, beyond all count,

١. كَم لِلنَبيه عَلى البَرية مِن يَدٍ
جلّت عَن الإحصاء في الأَسفارِ

2. And how many lofty aspirations has he had
Nobler than all other hopes however grand.

٢. وَلَكم لَهُ مِن همة مِن دُونِها
هِمَمُ الأُلى سَبَقوا مِن النظَّار

3. How many way stations have been honored
By his valor that dispelled all harm and danger,

٣. وَلَكم مَحطات المُرور تَشرّفت
منهُ بِشهم دافع الأَخطار

4. And for how many has he removed distress
Coming to their aid, blessing them with his generosity.

٤. وَلَكم أَقال عثار كُل مَنِ التجا
مِنا إِلَيهِ وَعَمَّه بِيَسار

5. He it was who opened doors long shut
And erased the blindness from all eyes,

٥. وَهُوَ الَّذي فَتح المَنازل بَعدَما
قَد غلّقت وَمَحا قذى الأَبصار

6. And he became worthy of all praise and glory
Among mankind, exalted in rank and stature.

٦. وَغَدا جَديراً بِالمَحامد وَالثَنا
بَينَ العِباد وَرفعة المِقدار

7. I am one who has been obliged to him
With all those in Egypt whose eyes perceive,

٧. وَأَنا الَّذي أَصبحت مَمنوناً لَهُ
مَع كُل مَن في مَصر مِن أَنظاري

8. As he prepared to dispel every blemish
From those fortunate to obtain his favors.

٨. حَيث استعدّ لِدَفع كُل ملمة
عَمَّن حَظي مِنهُ بِأَخذ ذمار

9. He gave relief to the anguished and rescued the fugitive
With his noble spirit from want and degradation.

٩. وَأَغاث مَلهوفاً وَأَنقذ لائِذاً
بِجَنابه مِن فاقة وَصغار

10. Over the sons of nations he raised his banner
And protected them from the evil of villains.

١٠. وَعَلى بَني الأَوطان مدّ لِواءه
وَحَماهمُ مِن صَولة الأَشرار

11. Yet I hope from him the realization of what
I concluded in the birth ode of the Chosen One,

١١. لَكنني أَرجوه تَحقيق الَّذي
أَنهيته في مَولد المُختار

12. So that I disseminate his praise among all people
And with it forever adorn my poetry.

١٢. حَتّى أَبث ثَناءه بَينَ الوَرى
وَبِهِ أُحلِّي دائِماً أَشعاري

13. His fortunate star continues to provide him
With progress, awe, and dignity.

١٣. لازال طالعه السَعيد يمدّه
بتقدّم وَمَهابة وَوَقار