
On the branch of pride, victory, and joy

على غصن دوح العز والنصر والسعد

1. On the branch of pride, victory, and joy
The bird of companionship sings in the garden of roses

١. عَلى غُصن دَوح العز وَالنصر وَالسَعدِ
ترنّم طَير الأُنس في رَوضة الوَردِ

2. And hints with its melody to the owner of the land
Useful knowledge, the crown of ministry and glory

٢. وَأَومى بِمَغناه إِلى مالك الوَرى
مفيد العلا تاج الوزارة وَالمَجد

3. The loyal son of sincerity and clarity
Brother of dew, Abbas the unique gem

٣. سَليلِ الوَفا رب المبرة وَالصَفا
شَقيق النَدى عباسٍ الجَوهر الفرد

4. A king when he performs pilgrimage to the house of achievements
The chivalrous stayed in bliss and joy

٤. مَليكٍ إِذا ما حجَّ بَيتَ نَوالِه
عَفاةٌ أَقاموا في هَناءٍ وَفي سَعد

5. How could it not when he revived the countryside
With righteousness it grew beyond limit

٥. وَكَيفَ وَقَد أَمّ الصَعيد فعمّه
ببرٍّ غدا يَنمو وَزاد عَن الحَدّ

6. He gave life to villages, cities and ruins with his generosity
With the most guided opinion, none like him since Noah

٦. وَأَحيا القرى وَالمُدنَ وَالبيدَ جُودُه
بِأَرشد رَأي ضلّ عَن مثله المهدي

7. He protected them with justice until indeed
With him, sheep do not fear encountering lions

٧. وَحصّنها بِالعَدل حَتّى لَقد غَدَت
بِها أَيّ شاة لا تَهاب لقا الأُسد

8. And he had led a great crowd of people
With his ambition, they became bankers of money

٨. وَقَد كانَ في جمّ غَفير مِن الأُلى
بهمته أَضحوا صَيارفة النَقد

9. The first of them is our wise Khadem
Through whom destitution disappeared from every beggar

٩. وَأَوّلهم خَدنا الذكا مِن تَمثّلا
بِهِ في زَوال البُؤس عَن كُل مُستجدي

10. They only seek God's pleasure and guidance
And spreading justice and good will

١٠. ولَن يَقصدا إلا رضا اللَه وَالمَلا
وَتَعميمَ عَدل الصَدر واسطة العَقد

11. So Ahmad uncovered the treasure and strove
According to the opinion he expressed seriously

١١. فَأَحمد في كَشف الزَمرُّذ قَد سَعى
عَلى وَفق ما أَبدى مِن الرَأي بِالجَد

12. And after uncovering, he announced the mines
Are beyond counting and numbering

١٢. وَنَبأ بعد الكَشف أَن مَعادن ال
زمرذ قَد جلّت عَن الحَصر وَالعد

13. And he appointed Ismail for research after
He knew he is like a sword for science

١٣. وَعيّن إسماعيل للبحث بَعد ما
دَرى أَنهُ للعلم كَالغمد للهندي

14. He honored the scholars and their students
And defeated the army of ignorance with dismissal and expulsion

١٤. وَشرّف أَرباب العُلوم وَأَهلَها
وَبدد جَيش الجَهل بِالنفي وَالطَرد

15. When Manfalut sought his justice
From the flooding Nile, he helped with a dam

١٥. وَلما اِستَجارَت مَنفلوط بِعَدله
مِن النيل لَما جارَ أَسعف بِالسّد

16. And since he honored the high waterfall with his steps
He saw his opinion in it, never deviating from purpose

١٦. وَمذ شرّف الشلال عَالي ركابه
رَأى رَأيه فيه فَما زاغَ عَن قَصد

17. That is only because he saved the people
By facilitating the paths of good for free and slave

١٧. وَما ذاكَ إِلّا أَنَّهُ أَنقَذَ الوَرى
بِتَسهيل سبل الخَير للحرّ وَالعَبد

18. And that is an opinion none of the kings
Approached except this dear wise brother

١٨. وَذَلِكَ رَأيٌ ما تَصدّى لِمثله
مَليك سِوى هَذا العَزيز أَخي الرشد

19. So he remains delighted with the inspiration of his son
The ally of wisdom and calm since he was in the cradle

١٩. فَلا زالَ مَسروراً بِإلهام نَجله
حَليف الذَكا وَالحلم مُذ كانَ في المَهد

20. And the prominent became proud of him when he became their lord
With the intellect of an archer in practicing art

٢٠. وَعَزت بِهِ العَلياء إِذ صارَ ربَّها
بِفطنة قس في مُمارسة الكندي

21. And this noble continues to be successful
To goodness, kindness, pardon and aid

٢١. وَلا زالَ هَذا الآصفيّ موفقاً
إِلى الخَير وَالمَعروف وَالعَفو وَالرفد

22. And the wronged do not cease to have in him a refuge
That is reciprocated with beautiful gratitude and praise

٢٢. وَلا انفك للعافي مِن الناس ملجأً
يُقابَل بِالشُكر الجَميل وَبِالحَمد