
How much did passion say to the religion of love

كم قال صب إلى دين الغرام صبا

1. How much did passion say to the religion of love
Volunteering, while coercion spilled from its eyelid

١. كَم قالَ صَبٌّ إِلى دين الغَرام صَبا
تَطوّعا وَالكَرى مِن جفنه غَصبا

2. What can I do about my patience and generosity
How can I find a way to please one who is angry

٢. ما حِيلَتي عيل صَبري وَالجَواد كَبا
كَيفَ السَبيل إِلى مَرضاة مَن غَضِبا

3. And burdened my heart with excessive aloofness and tiredness
And believed the lying slanderer and destroyed me

٣. وَحمّل القَلب مِن فَرط الجَفا وَصَبا
وَصدّق الكاذب الواشي وَفنّدني

4. And I used to claim that fate made me fortunate
But my assumption was wrong and sickness took hold of my body

٤. وَكُنت أَزعم أَن الدَهر أَسعَدني
فَخابَ ظَني وَحَل السقم في بَدَني

5. And whenever I tried to draw near him, he distanced me
Without any sin, nor could I find a reason for it

٥. وَكُلَّما رُمتُ قرباً مِنهُ أَبعدَني
مِن غَير ذَنب وَلَم أَعرف لَهُ سَببا