
Ismail has returned, and with him Ahmad the lute,

لقد عاد إسماعيل والعود أحمد

1. Ismail has returned, and with him Ahmad the lute,
To their beloved Egypt, aided and blest.

١. لَقَد عادَ إسماعيل وَالعُود أَحمَدُ
إِلى مَصره الغَراء وَهُوَ مؤيدُ

2. Victoriously he came from the caliph's abode
With every privilege for the king endorsed.

٢. وَأَقبل مِن دار الخِلافة فائِزاً
بِكُل اِمتِياز فيهِ للملك مسند

3. The sultan rose to greet him before his arrival,
Renewing the glory and might of our lands.

٣. وَقامَ لَهُ السُلطان قَبل قُدومه
بِما فيهِ لِلأَوطان عزٌّ مجدّد

4. Yusuf showed favor, as all tribes acclaimed
His efforts on our behalf, and were impressed.

٤. وَيُوسف عز الدين أَبدى تَعطُّفاً
بسعي لَه كُل البَرية تَحمد

5. Abdul Aziz honored him with repeated visits,
To foster affection and friendship anew.

٥. وَشرّفه عَبد العَزيز بزورة
مكررها حلّاه مِنهُ التودّد

6. Such is the grace of Allah, granting whom He wills,
And guiding each to the destined reward.

٦. وَذَلِكَ فَضل اللَه يُؤتيهِ مَن يَشا
وَيوليهِ ما يَصفو لَهُ فيهِ مَورد

7. None deserves bounty like our valiant Khedive,
Though envied, his merit increases with days.

٧. وَمَن كَالخِديوي الشَهم أولى بِنعمة
عَلَيها مَدى الأَيام ذُو الفَضل يحسد

8. What king before him ever raised Egypt so high,
To the stars her virtues and honors now soar?

٨. وَهَل ملكٌ نالَت بِهِ مَصرُ قَبله
مَزايا بِها فَوق الكَواكب تَصعد

9. God willed his troops be multiplied and his reign
O'er distant and near unfold more and more,

٩. أَبى اللَه إِلا أَن تَزيد جُنوده
وَيَملُك ما يَدنو وَما عَنهُ يبعد

10. His banners be raised, heralding victory won
On each battlefield, triumph assured.

١٠. وَيَنشُر في الآفاق أَعلامه الَّتي
بِها النَصر في كُل المَواقف يُعقد

11. Success in his aims the Almighty guaranteed,
His foe is dejected, he jubilant, cured.

١١. وَيَبلُغ بِالتَوفيق ما هُوَ عازم
عَلَيهِ وَيَشقى خَصمه وَهوَ يَسعد

12. With wisdom unique he managed Egypt's affairs,
Earning undying acclaim, proudly secured.

١٢. وَها هُوَ قَد وافى بِتَدبير مَصره
بِحَزم بَديع المَدح فيهِ مُخلَّد

13. Fortune, prosperity, glory attend him,
His state on land and sea rendered assured.

١٣. وَمِن حَوله الإِقبالُ وَالسَعدُ وَالعُلا
لِدَولته في البَحر وَالبر أَعبُد

14. The world was made splendid for his arrival,
Each nation rejoicing to hail their great lord.

١٤. فَزينت الدُنيا لِمقدمه الَّذي
يُهنِّي بِهِ الأَوطانَ مَولىً وَسَيد

15. Fair groves sang his praises in joyful refrain,
Sweet nightingales trilling their welcome outpoured.

١٥. وَأَثنَت عَلَيهِ في رِياض نَضيرة
بَلابلُ أُنسٍ بِالتَهاني تُغرّد

16. Magdi wrote in verse, recording his victories,
"With Ismail's return Ahmad is restored."

١٦. وَأَنشد مَجدي في الإِياب مُؤَرِّخاً
أَضاءَ بإسماعيل في العود سؤدد