
The wretched days of the enemy of Allah are beginning

أيام بؤس عدو الله أولها

1. The wretched days of the enemy of Allah are beginning
In a little while, without doubt, they will come upon him

١. أَيام بُؤس عَدوّ اللَه أَوّلها
عَما قَليلٍ بِلا شَك يُوافيهِ

2. Dismissal is coming to him and blessings are leaving him
The order of expulsion, there is no hope he can avoid it

٢. وَالعَزلُ يَأتيهِ وَالنعمى تُفارقُه
وَالأَمر بِالطرد لا يُرجى تلافيه

3. The obituary will be conveyed by his sharp swords
On an ill-omened day when his Master comes to him

٣. وَالنَعي تودي بِهِ حالاً صَوارمُه
في يَوم نحس بِهِ مَولاه يَأتيه

4. And in the last days of Sha'wal he will disappear without
A trace, and the arrow of death will strike him

٤. وَفي أواخر شَوال يَزول وَلا
يَبقى وَسَهمُ المَنايا نافذ فيهِ

5. He will soon plunge into the heat of Hell mentioned in the Quran
Along with all those who were his peers in the world

٥. وَسَوفَ يَهوي بِنص الذكر في سقر
مَع كل مَن كانَ في الدُنيا يصافيهِ

6. And it will destroy his delusory hopes of offspring
And those who do not shun him

٦. وَيَقطَع الأَمل المَوهوم مِن وَلد
وَمِنلَيسَت تُجافيه

7. It will lament the youth wasted in play
And in prostrating on earth before the Almighty

٧. وَيندبنّ شَباباً ضاعَ في لعب
وَفي السُجود عَلى أَرض لِكافيه

8. This was indicated by a true dream vision
From a mystic displaying to people hidden things

٨. دلت عَلى ذاكَ رُؤيا فيهِ صادِقَةٌ
مِن عارف مَظهر لِلناس خافيه