
With you all the cities and villages rejoiced

بك ابتهجت كل المدائن والقرى

1. With you all the cities and villages rejoiced
And its valleys became fertile and its state prospered

١. بِكَ اِبتهجت كُلُّ المَدائن وَالقرى
وَأَخصب واديها وَنَعَّم حالَها

2. And when you decided to travel by sea to appear
Before the eyes of the world, it did not comfort itself

٢. وَحَيث عزمت السير بَحراً لِتجتلي
عُيون الوَرى ما إِن يَروّح بالها

3. The sea sees your generosity, though does it know
That the meanings of generosity come from you reaching out

٣. يشاهد مِنكَ البَحر جُوداً أَما دَرى
بأنَّ مَعاني الجُود مِنكَ اِتِصالها

4. And when you stayed in Izmir
And showered it with wealth and grace, its people rejoiced

٤. وَإزمير لَما أَن حللت بربعها
وَأَغمرتها مالاً وَفضلاً أَهالها

5. Rain came reviving the barren lands of it
And that was to honor your efforts, not for it

٥. أَتى وابلٌ يحيي المَواتَ بِأَرضها
وَذَلِكَ إِكراماً لِسعيك لا لها

6. The tongue of gratitude says this date recording it
Sa'eed came, generosity came to it

٦. يَقول لِسان الشُكر في ذا مؤرِّخاً
سَعيد أَتى إزمير جُود أَتى لَها