
This is a book that unveils in its chapter

هذا كتاب به في بابه كشفت

1. This is a book that unveils in its chapter
For the army a whole host of secrets that were obscure

١. هَذا كتاب بِهِ في بابه كُشفت
لِلجُند جُملةُ أَسرار عَلَيهِ خَفت

2. And yet with this brevity it contained
What is not found expanded in books of its kind

٢. وَإِنَّهُ مَع هَذا الاختصار حَوى
ما لَيسَ في كُتُب مِن نَوعه بُسِطت

3. So it deserved to be translated and interpreted
Into Turkish whose lights have shone and flourished

٣. فَكانَ أَحرى بِتَعريبٍ وَتَرجمةٍ
تُركية أَشرَقَت أَنوارُها وَزَهَت

4. And the eyes of Sa’d have observed it wherein
The orders of the court with printing have gone forth

٤. وَلاحظته عُيون السَعد حَيث بِهِ
أَوامر الدَاوري بِالطَبع قَد صدرت

5. So I said since its dating has been completed as represented
The rising of flowers on the horizon of arts have thrived

٥. فَقُلت مُذ تَمّ تَمثيلاً مُؤرّخه
طَوالع الزَهر في أُفق الفُنون زَكت